Chapter 32: Bonus Chapter

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!Bonus Chapter!

Luffy had learned something recently, something that changed his entire life forever, he hated chores. He was told by Marco that now that he was old enough to go out with his brothers on an unknown island and return home with cuts and bruises, then he should be old enough to mop the deck.

Marco had taught him Ace and Sabo the ways of the cleaning but Luffy was not interested in any way. This must be a new form of punishment for not listening to him that must be it! He went to pops and complained about it rather seriously but pops just told him to listen to his brother.

Ace and Sabo grumbled about doing them but they didn't seem to be to put out about the idea. Luffy wasn't going to give in just like that.

"What are you doing-yoi?" Marco asked his arms crossed and brow twitching in annoyance.

"Nothing." Luffy replied lying on his back on the figure head looking at the clouds pass by.

"Shouldn't you be helping Ace and Sabo?" He was getting frustrated with Luffy and this was a new feeling for him.

"Helping them do what? Are they working on a new prank?" Luffy sat up and looked excitedly towards Marco.

"No, they are finishing their chores which you should be working on as well-yoi." Marco looked at Luffy sternly.

"Oh that's all? No thanks." And he lied back down to look at the clouds once more. A tick appeared on Marco's head when had Luffy become this stubborn?

"If you don't help out you don't get dessert tonight-yoi." This caught the straw hatted kid's attention.

"You can't do that! You're not a chef!" He pounded his fist against the deck in defiance.

"Watch me brat." Marco challenged and walked away.

When dinner came around Marco and Luffy weren't talking to one another. The silence that went between them really threw off the crew.

"Uhh Luffy you alright there buddy?" Thatch asked feeling the chill in the room.

"Yup." Was all he got in response Thatch was getting worried.

"Did you and Luffy have a fight?" Haruta asked Marco who was eating his dinner quietly.

"Don't know what you're talking about-yoi." He said not looking up but continuing on.

The rest of the crew was watching them worried but figured they might be fine later.

"Well..Ugh who want's dessert?" Thatch asked hoping that would warm up the room.

"Luffy doesn't-yoi." Marco said matter-of-factly glaring at the kid. Luffy looked up quickly sending a glare right back at Marco as well as one of his carrots from his plate. The carrot hit Marco square in the face making a tick appear back on his head once more.

"Who says I don't." Luffy asked him raising his eyes brow in question daring Marco to challenge him. Ace and Sabo were stunned into silence what the hell was even happening?

"I say so brat-yoi." Marco stood up using his height against the child Luffy stood up as well and glared back at him.

"Boys, that's enough." Whitebeard boomed at them surprised on the behaviour.

"Fine!" They both said and left the galley going separate ways annoyed at one another.

"What the heck just happened?" Vista asked from his spot at the dinner table.

"I think Marco and Luffy just had their first fight..."Thatch whispered this had never happened before.

"You mean they haven't fought ever? Not even once?" Ace asked in surprise even him and Sabo had fought before.

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