Chapter 7: Romance Dawn Part 1

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 7: Romance Dawn Part 1

"He actually sinks. Like an anchor." Thatch had said from where he was standing.

"Maybe we're not teaching him right-yoi?" Marco said watching the boy sink yet again.

"Namur's teaching him, he's a fishman. No one swims better than a fishman. Namur's teaching him right, Luffy just isn't getting it." Izou said from beside Thatch watching his little brother being saved by the fishman once again.

"It's been two years he should at least know how to float!" Thatch exclaimed throwing his hands in the air for extra dramatic effect.

Marco sighed before looking down at his little brother.

"We can deal with that later we need to get him back on the ship-yoi. We have visitors coming." With that he stood up and signaled Namur that the lessons were over.

"Who's coming?" Thatch asked seriously a visitor could mean anything.

"Akagami Shanks. No clue why he just wants to meet with pops-yoi." He said but Thatch could feel the tension around him. Marco didn't like Shanks all that much.

Once out of the water Luffy was towel dried and new clothes put on him.

"Ne, why did we end early? I know I'm bad but I could have gone a lot longer!" He wanted to swim so badly but his body refused to work for him.

"We have someone coming to visit brat, be on your best behaviour." Namur said before taking the towel and drying Luffy's head.

"Visitor! I've never had one before! Who!?" Luffy shouted excitedly grabbing onto Namur's hand making the fishman smile.

"Someone strong so stay by Marco's side and listen to him, alright?" He said to the brat but knew it went right over his head.

By the time Luffy was dried off the crew was starting to gather around pop's chair. Luffy went running straight to Marco and bombarded him with questions that the man tried to answer as best as he could.

"So is he as strong as Pops?" Luffy said excitedly Marco chuckled at that.

"Well he has the same title as Pops, but I wouldn't ever say he's stronger." Marco smiled to the brat. Luffy had a way to taking away all the tension in the air making the crew feel more relaxed. Soon enough the red force came into view and Luffy was jumping so much Marco just decided to pick him up.

"Permission to come aboard?" Shanks asked from his ship whitebeard just nodded and the red haired man jumped across.

"Sorry but this is still a rival ship, I can't let my guard down." He said before releasing a wave of haki. Quite a few of the many division members collapsed around the man as he carried a large bottle of sake towards the captain.

"Oi Akagami! Watch your haki; you could have hurt someone-yoi!" Marco knew by speaking out he was drawing attention towards him and consequently Luffy.

"I can never be too careful. Ne Marco, Wanna join my crew?" Shanks asked with a smile looking towards the blond man but his eyes widened at the child in his arms.

"Never, I'm good here-yoi." He said giving the emperor a glare and holding Luffy tighter.

"Who's the brat?" Shanks asked his voice growing tighter. Luffy looked at Shanks with wide brown eyes. Somehow Luffy had managed to get past the wave of haki Shanks had released moments before completely unfazed by it.

"I'm Luffy!" He said wiggling around in a way to tell Marco he wanted down but Marco wasn't going to let him go so easily.

"I didn't think you'd take a child out to sea Whitebeard." Shanks said sternly to the older man.

"He's been with us since birth brat, we knew the risks." Whitebeard replied looking down at Shanks.

"Noooo! No fighting!" Luffy had bitten Marco and in his surprise he dropped the kid.

"Don't be mean to Pops!" He said giving Shanks a glare which ended up failing miserably making shanks laugh at him.

"But that's what pirates do, we fight!" Shanks said to the kid who smiled a bit.

"Uh huh! But don't be mean! Marco doesn't like me seeing people be mean! He'll get cranky and become a bastard!" He said to Shanks who broke out laughing.

"No wonder you keep the kid on board! He's hilarious!" He smiled down at Luffy

"What's your dream Kid?" He asked Luffy who just looked at Shanks like he was an idiot.

"I'm gunna be a Pirate! Stronger than Marco, stronger than pops, and stronger than you!" He smiled at Shanks as the man's eyes widened he subconsciously touched his straw hat then looked towards whitebeard only to see a wide smile on the older man's face.

"Luffy, why don't we let the captains talk?" Thatch said taking Lu's hand and leasing him away from Shanks.

"But I wanna stay with my new friend!" He whined to his brother.

"How about this, I go and make you a nice snack and we draw some pictures for the captains for later. Sound good?" Thatch said trying to get the brat to listen.

"Mmm!" He agreed taking Thatch's hand and nodding towards Marco who sighed and watched them disappear below deck.

"Why are you here brat?" Whitebeard asked Shanks who sat down.

"There's a bunch of new rookies heading your way. They bothered us a bit but we sent them packing, I'm afraid they didn't seem to learn their lesson. Thought I'd warn you before they hit, rumors have been going around that you've been sticking to safe waters. I wanted to know why so I came to also get that question answered, guess I got it." He smiled at the memory of that kid.

"A child Whitebeard? You know it's not safe on these seas!" He said to the older man who smiled softly.

"Ay, I agree brat. I was called upon a meeting with the kid's father 6 years ago and he sprung upon me a brat. I don't regret it, I've watched him grow. He'll make his dream a reality and then he'll make it larger than that." He smiled off in the distance.

"I like the kid we should have a party!" He shouted making his own crew shout in agreement on his own ship. While the captains talked Luffy had drawn pictures of his pops, Marco, Shanks, and anything else he could think of while stuffing his face with food.

"Can we go back now Thatchy? I wanna see the new guy!" He complained once he finished eating everything around him.

"Hmm I guess it's been a bit we should be able to go up now. Alright brat lets go." Thatch said getting a cheer from the kid.

He took Luffy's hand leading him back up to the group. Who would have thought that this emperor coming this day would spark a new dream into a young child, and the day was only beginning...

Hey there again guys! so Shanks! This is part 1. I have it all planned out for shanks it's just needing to be in sections because it's a lot to work with. Shanks is a huge role model to Luffy and will remain so. Luffy does love his family Shanks is the first person outside of them to give him a dream. I'm asked about Sabo yeah I plan to leave him alive because he is alive :)(spoiler but I think the anime shows him now so I think I'm safe there.) Garp I have plans everyone :D I mentioned chapter 1 that dragon said he told Garp of his grandson. That doesn't mean he said where the kid is. I have wonderful ways of him finding out ^_^ Ace, Sabo and Garp will make appearances in the story don't worry :D I'm spacing it all out though. If I just shove them in it might look sloppy so I want them to come as they come :) It will be more fun knowing they are coming but not knowing when :) And the way that I've been updating you may all not have to wait too long :P All I ask is be patient and good things will come ^^.

Once again I honestly thank EVERYONE for the kind reviews the amount of alerts on this story has just blown my mind! You are the reason I post so quickly! With out your support I would not be doing this well. So once again thank you! _(^ ^)_ (Bows) If there are any questions I do reply to people in PM because It's easier for me to talk with you all that way. If you have any questions, comments or just want to talk please feel free to PM me as well :) xxxDR

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