Chapter 30: Fire and Storms

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"The only time a man can be brave is when he is afraid."―George R. R. Martin

"To not do what you can to protect someone, that's cowardly."― Jodi Lynn Anderson

Marco flew for what felt like hours his wings were sore and his lungs hurt from crying out his song for revenge. Marco hadn't rested after the fight on deck so his body was protesting violently for him to stop his search and heal. He refused to give up though and he would search this damned ocean for his brothers until he either found them or dropped dead from exhaustion.

"Where are you-yoi." He said trying to keep himself calm but the longer he flew around aimlessly the further away his Little brothers were going. He couldn't, no he wouldn't let Luffy vanish from his life like this. He loved Ace and could see them growing to be closer friends and brothers through the years but he had spent what felt like a life time with Luffy. Closing his eyes he truly let the fear of loss sink in...

"Where in the world were you going Lu?" Thatch asked the now happy baby that was cuddling close to Marco.

"Ma." Came from Luffy's mouth making everyone stop what they were doing.

"What was that-yoi?" Marco asked the toddler.

"Ma! Ma ma ma ma ma ma!" He just said looking up at Marco. The crew didn't know if they should break out laughing or celebrate their little brat's first word.

"Look! Marco shall now be known as Mama Marco!" Thatch laughed so hard he began to double over. Ignoring Thatch Marco smiled fondly at the little guy.

"Were you looking for me Luffy-yoi?" He said Luffy just responded with ma!

Smiling at the memory Marco's eyes snapped open fierce determination sparking the blue eyes making them look more alert then they were supposed to.

"I'll find you Ace, I'll find you Luffy, just as you have always found me-yoi." And he flew off determined to find his little brothers before the storm clouds came rolling in.

-Line Break-

"It's all my entire fault..." Sabo whispered from the bed he was laying in. He now had a bandage covering half of his face over his eye

"No it's not; you did your very best." Thatch said sitting down on the bed beside the kid who refused to look at him.

"I should have done more, I was careless and reckless and Luffy and Ace were hurt because of that." Sabo felt like crying and if he knew the tears wouldn't hurt his sore eye he would have cried right there and then.

"You're a child it should have been us that protected you." Pops said entering the room looking at the child and the injury on his face.

"I've never needed protection before! I'm strong! I can fight on my own!" Sabo said punching the bed with his fist in frustration.

"You are strong but now you are one of us." Pops said sitting in a chair beside the bed looking the boy right in the good eye he had.

"You no longer need to fight alone, you are now my son and that means you will have the protection I can give you." He said and Sabo felt the tears come his sore eye stung just as he knew it would.

"Please find them...I-I can't even think of living life without them..." Sabo cried his lip quivering and his body shaking he felt like shit, he felt weak and vulnerable. Those were feelings he was taught never to feel and never to show and here he was crying in front of the strongest man alive.

"Neither can we, Marco will find them and we will move into action." Thatch said giving Sabo's shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"You said they wanted to sell you?" Izou said leaning against a wall his sharp eyes on the boy.

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