Chapter 43: Brotherly Talks and Garp

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 43: Brotherly Talks and Garp

"Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next."-Gilda Radner

Luffy felt dizzy and weird-his body was tingling and almost felt like he was spinning. He wasn't sure just how long that was happening for he just knew that he didn't feel that right.

"Lu...Luff...Luffy!" He heard a voice calling for him slowly as he opened his eyes a bright light being shone in to them.

"Luffy!" Ace cheered happily while looking ready to throw himself onto his brother while the doctor backed away from the boy.

"What happened.." He said his body still felt weird.

"You did something cool and passed out." Ace smiled but Luffy covered his ears.

"Don' yell!" Ace stepped back looking worried and confused.

"Luffy, do you remember what happened-yoi?" Marco asked sitting down on the bed and looking at the boy a smile on his lazy face.

"Sabo was shot and I...Sabo!" Luffy panicked while a sharp pain began to sear through his head making him grab it suddenly.

"Why is everything so loud!?" He moaned into his hands and Marco chuckled softly.

"That's your observation Haki. You awakened another form of Haki which is triggering the other two to become sharper-yoi." Marco explained quietly hoping not the hurt the kid any more.

"We'll work on teaching you to harness that power but for now rest-yoi." Marco pushed Luffy down on the bed letting the kid rest more.

"Is Sabo okay?" He asked closing his eyes feeling tired and sad for his brother.

"He's okay Lu, the bullet broke a lot of skin but it missed everything else." Ace said sitting down beside Marco on the bed causing Luffy to smile.

"Mn...I feel weird." Luffy whispered shaking slightly causing Ace to frown pulling the blankets off of Luffy he pushed Marco off the bed and squeezed himself in beside his brother.

"I'm made of fire I'll make sure you keep warm." Ace said throwing an arm around his baby brother causing the others in the room to smile.

"And I'm in need of a nap anyways." He pouted making Luffy laugh even though his eyes were closed so he couldn't see the pout.

"Ace is the best ever." Luffy cheered grabbing the arm around him and cuddling it closer.

"Of course I am." He said cockily he would always protect his baby brother, from anything and everything.

"We'll leave you two alone." Thatch said smiling knowing that Luffy was in safe hands with Ace there.

"We'll wake you both up before dinner so don't worry about missing anything-yoi." Marco said patting Luffy's hair as he giggled.

"Mn thanks Ma!" Marco smiled as he and Thatch left, the nurses knew Luffy was fine so they didn't bother him and focused more onto Sabo and the other injured brothers in the infirmary.

It still was loud all around him but with Ace by his side snoring up a storm due to his narcolepsy Luffy felt safe, comfortable and warm.

When Luffy woke up again his stomach was growling and Ace had pushed him off of his pillow.

"'Bout time you woke up." Sabo said from his own bed where he was sitting up reading a book.

"Mornin'" Luffy said getting out of bed as Ace took over the warmth of the spot, Luffy climbed into Sabo's bed giving his brother a hug.

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