Chapter 37: Doctors and Bears

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 37: Doctors and Bears

"Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won't either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could."– Louise Erdrich

White Beard listened to the boys talk by the figure head and sighed deeply. He had just finished talking with the nurses and the doctor about Thatch's condition and was now checking on his children. The thought that one of his own could attack another deeply bothered him. That night when his little Luffy came to him crying, screaming and covered in blood would forever be in his mind of the disaster that happened.

"I want to become stronger and stronger, stronger and stronger, stronger and stronger and even more stronger then that! That way I can protect everything and never loose anyone... Please Ace...Sabo... Promise me you both won't die."

Hearing those words from his youngest really put in perspective just how effected his son had been from the situation. Luffy had not only seen the stabbing but watched as his brother fell. He had seen someone he had been raised to trust attack his older brother. Anger bubbled in the older man's chest at the man who did this. How dare someone he put under his own protection and treated like his own son attack another of his family?!

"Listen Luffy and remember this! I will never die!" He heard Ace say and felt his anger diminishing slowly.

Everyone dies; it's the natural order of the world. We are born weak and chose to grow stronger, then we become weak once again, then we die. That is how the world works, that's how it has always worked and the old man accepted that. He knew that he was known as the god of the sea, as the strongest man in the world, but even he knew he wouldn't be able to stand at the top forever. Someday he would die and leave his beloved children behind him. It was always a sad thought to think of but when he looked at the three sitting before him with smiles on their faces he couldn't help but believe that the future generation might have some chance of becoming stronger than his own.

After all it wasn't every day the child of the previous pirate king became brothers with the future one. Both children rejected by the world at birth would become closer than any would ever allow. The old man couldn't stop the small chuckle at the thought of the trouble those children would someday get themselves into, and damn he hoped they got into a lot of it.

-Line Break-

It had been three days since the attack and the doctor was in need of more medical supplies to help speed Thatch's recovery.

"His rib was broken from his mission; I was going to be working with him to repair it before the incident but was left little to no time to do so. The broken rib has fractured more and is very close to piercing his lung. We have taken this opportunity to do the surgery needed to fix the broken rib and work on the stabbing wound at the exact same time. Unfortunately we are in need of more medical supplies to keep both the surgeries clean and cared for properly." The doctor Myrah reported to the old man knowing that if everyone wanted Thatch to live she would need her demands to be met.

"One of our islands is close by we can make a quick stop to restock. Our kitchen supplies could need a look over while we're in the area-yoi." Marco said taking notes on what was said and what would be needed.

"An island adventure may be just what the boy's need right now..." Vista said from his spot by the wall thinking of the past few days and how they had been growing more and more agitated with one another.

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