Chapter 48: Welcome to the East Blue!

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 48: Welcome to the East Blue!

"The first stab of love is like a sunset, a blaze of color..."―Anna Godbersen, The Luxe

When Garp said training began in the morning he wasn't kidding. He chose to wake his grandsons up with the fist of love which only caused the boys to panic. Luffy having had Mihawk attack him in the night could sense evil intentions a ship away so his brown eyes darted open and his body moved into action.

"You're pretty fast." Garp smiled as the hammock Luffy had been sleeping on was now broken on the floor.

"Uncle Hawki attacked me often at night." Luffy grinned to his grandfather his brown eyes sparkling in the morning light.

"Shitty Geezer! You could'a killed us!" Ace snarled at his grandfather.

"But I didn't." Garp replied sticking his index finger in his ear clearing out the wax.

"But you could have!" Ace screamed back at the man as Luffy laughed at the exchange.

"You kid, you used observation Haki." Garp said looking at Luffy who smirked, his hat covering one of his eyes.

"Of course." He said in a flat tone of voice before pointing to his brothers.

"We all learned observation Haki a while ago." Luffy complimented his brothers who smiled back at him.

"Then it looks like I'll have to test you on that now won't I?" Garp said a shadow beginning to cover his eyes while he raided his fists into the air. The trio didn't wait for the fists to fly before they got the heck out of that cabin. When they exited the room they froze instantly even though danger was clear behind them.

"What-"Ace began

"The-"Sabo said afterwards

"Bananas..." Luffy finished quietly his eyes wide at the Sea kings staring at them from all around.

"Looks like we have some company." Garp said from behind them sending shivers up their spines.

"Why are there so many sea kings?!" Luffy exclaimed. Living in the grand line he had eaten many sea king dishes but never had he seen this many in one shot.

"We're in the calm belt." Garp said and Sabo turned quickly on his feet to face the older man.

"Why are we here!? This is called the sea king's nest and there's no breeze for the ships to sail through!" Sabo had been studying hard on everything.

"We have the propellers so we can get through without the wind, as for the sea kings... I figured that group of pirate scum would have trained you a little. Gaining some experience fighting sea kings will sharpen your senses!" Garp said bopping Sabo on the head with one of his fists.

"So all we need to do is kick their asses?" Luffy asked his grandfather who nodded his head and Luffy smiled before getting into his horse stance placing his hands on his legs.

"Ne, why don't we make this a competition?" Luffy said to his brothers who were smiling at the idea.

"Sea king meat is the best around..."Ace agreed thinking with his stomach.

"And we could test out our skills..." Sabo thought pulling his pipe off of his back accepting the challenge.

"We'll be in the east blue by morning so try not to get yourselves killed before then." Garp said letting the kids jump from the ship's deck into battle against the sea kings.

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