Chapter 47: Garp's Arrival, I'm going to miss you

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 47: Garp's Arrival, I'm going to miss you

"The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again."-Charles Dickens

Luffy hummed happily to himself, his grandfather's ship had been seen from the distance meaning it was time to go soon. While Luffy seemed very happy to go his two other brothers were down and feeling rather crappy about the situation.

"Thatch said to see it through Luffy's eyes but all I see is death descending upon us." Ace mumbled through his depression.

"There go all our dreams out the window, will we ever return to this place alive?" Sabo whispered his eyes all glazed over as he looked off into the distance.

"I'm so excited how about you...guys..." Luffy started to say as he looked at his brothers.

"Common it won't be that bad!" He said and Ace looked up at him his black eyes shadowed by his orange hat.

"I have to wear...shirts..." He said slowly to Luffy as if that clarified everything.

"And so do I, what's the big deal?" Luffy said throwing his bag over his shoulder and leaving the cabin to watch the ship sail ever closer.

"Everyone wears shirts Ace, you're just different." Sabo laughed quietly to his brother who dropped his head mumbling about not having to wearing those things in years.

Sabo sighed knowing that Ace's ramblings about shirts were just an excuse to let out his uneasiness. Ace, as far as Sabo knew, had been dropped off with the bandits at an early age and neglected by the old man constantly. Sabo still remembered the dark look that Ace wore like a mask over his heart; he still saw that mask whenever Ace felt unsure of himself, or uneasy around people. Sabo also knew that Luffy had never seen that mask, or at least the full amount of it. He only hoped that with the three of them being so close to their grandfather that Ace didn't feel pressured to put it back up.

"Oi Sabo, the old man's going to be here soon so wake up already." Ace said standing up pulling Sabo from his musings.

"Sure sorry." He replied getting up pulling his own bag closed.

"What's got you so distant anyways?" Ace hadn't seen Sabo so quiet in a long time but lately his brother had been growing more and more silent.

"Just thinking too much." He said and Ace nodded.

"I think we both are, we should try and make this as fun as possible-for Luffy's sake at least." Ace pushed his hat back further on his head and looked at the door knowing that their time here was going to be gone for a while.

"Just when we finally find a place to call home that old geezer comes back to remind us we don't belong anywhere." Ace said barely a whisper.

"We do belong here." Sabo argued annoyed at Ace for saying that.

"Then why are they giving us to that old man?" Ac questioned and Sabo shook his head.

"Because Luffy needs this and I think the crew needs this." Sabo said giving Ace a stern look.

"We can't be selfish Ace." Though he couldn't stop the wanting to be just that-selfish.

"The old man will be here soon, let's go see everyone." Ace grumbled out making Sabo laugh quietly.

"Sure." He said leaving the cabin behind but found himself stopping one last time to look in it. He was really going to miss it here.

"How are you boys doing?" Thatch asked but Sabo could see that he himself wasn't doing that well.

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