Chapter 53: Goodbyes and Reunions Introducing Swirls

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 53: Goodbyes and Reunions Introducing Swirls

"I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let's face it; friends make life a lot more fun."-Charles R. Swindoll

"So why were you coming to this island Luffy?" Zoro asked the kid who shrugged.

"Gramps decides where to go and I usually don't have any choice..." Luffy replied simply.

"But you're not from the East Blue?" He asked him and Luffy shook his head.

"This is the first time I've ever been away from home." Luffy's eyes glazed over thinking of home.

"What's it like...your home?" Zoro asked him they were both sitting on the grass drinking some juice a towel around both their necks from another spar.

"Hmmm I can't really describe it..." He said trying to think of how to describe the New World. "Nothing really stays the same back home; you need to be strong to live. I was lucky and have really strong brothers and a super strong father so I was always protected." Luffy finished hoping that made any sense.

"That's why you're so much stronger even if you look like a brat." Zoro joked and Luffy laughed.

"Sure why not." He agreed and a peaceful silence fell between them.

"Are you going to stick around here and wait for your grandfather?" Zoro asked Luffy who just laughed.

"Who knows It's kind of fun being away from them. I've never really had any friends outside my family before so this is fun." He said giving Zoro a toothy grin that made the teenager smile.

"I would have thought you'd have lots of friends." Zoro said to Luffy who dropped his smile even slightly.

"People don't like those who are strong. Even as a kid I've always been a bit stronger than normal kids so no one wanted to play with me..." Luffy said sadly before looking up at Zoro.

"We're friend right?" He asked hesitation in his voice.

"You first ask me to join your crew and now you're asking if we're friends?" Zoro scoffed looking at Luffy "Of course we're friend's idiot! I wouldn't have agreed to join if I wasn't your friend! Also, I'm not afraid of you and your strength." He said looking away leaving Luffy to feel light hearted and happy.

"Don't you have any friends here?" He asked realizing that Zoro had only spent time with him.

"Once, but not anymore." He said softly thinking back on his rival and closest friend while Luffy frowned.

"That's sad." He said but smiled once again "You have me now though so we're not alone." Zoro just shook his head but returned the smile.

"Right, sure." He said as both enjoyed the sun.

With Garp

"Where are you brats!?" He yelled over the Transponder snail annoyed that they should have been there by now but weren't.

"Ace got hungry." Sabo sighed but he too was hungry and when a D gets hungry nothing gets in the way of them and their food, not even a missing brother.

"You were supposed to be here 5 hours ago kid!" Garp yelled again and Sabo sighed once more.

"We're at the Baratie, can't you just pick Luffy up and come here?" Sabo asked annoyed as Ace stuffed his face wasting all the money they had on them.

"It would be faster for me to come straight to you. I had planned to stop off at the Island where Luffy is to get you properly trained in using a sword but that will have to wait. I'll call the man and have him get Luffy to come to us." Garp said and Sabo frowned.

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