Chapter 18: Being Alone Hurts part 2

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 18: Being Alone Hurts part 2

"What are we going to do?!" Sabo said from beside Ace who just had his hands behind his head walking lazily back towards the village they had come from originally.

"Going to do? Nothing, that's what we'll do, he probably told the guy he's from the White beard crew and the jerk let him go. He's probably running back to his mommy Marco to cry." Ace rolled his eyes at the thought.

"I guess...I mean who would mess with a crew the size of White beards?" Sabo said relaxing. Ace was probably right I mean the kid didn't look that smart but even he would know to say a name from that crew.

Walking back to the village in silence the boys couldn't wait to look through all of their treasure and really put together how much they can probably make on the grand line.

When they arrived in the village everything seemed normal so the boys didn't really think about anything. They wandered around and used a small amount of their fortune to by snacks and things they might find useful.

"Hey Ace over here!" Sabo called from a shop nearby. The shop was selling cheap items and the tall pipes had caught his eye.

"Hmm?" He said coming over to see what got Sabo so excited.

"Aren't you boys a little too young to be looking at such things?" An old man shop keeper said but stepped back by the glare Ace gave him.

"Pipes?" He asked Sabo who nodded his head excitedly.

"Yeah just like back home!" He missed having the feel of his pipe in his hand. He saw one in Luffy's room as well back on the ship and considered stealing it but thought against it when Marco gave him a dirty look for even touching it slightly.

Ace nodded his head in understanding he missed holding a weapon as well.

"This way we can protect ourselves if need be." Sabo continued on with excitement. The shop keeper sensing a sale jumped right into action.

"Their also coated with Sea stone. You never know what type of fruit user you might run into around here so it's always good to have a little bit on you just in case." He said pointing to the tips of the pipes that had a slick shinny look to them but felt gritty to touch.

"We'll take them." Was all the boys said before handing a large chunk of their funds over to the man with a smile. Sure they knew they had given away part of their treasure fund but it was worth it to get a weapon again.

"Hey boys having fun?" Thatch asked coming into view with a bottle of alcohol in his hands.

"Mmm! Look at what we got." Sabo said pointing to his pipe Thatch grinned glad to have one of the brats opening up to him even if the other still remained closed off.

"Looks great, maybe we'll start training you both with Luffy." He said in excitement he liked training Luffy and with others there the kid might learn faster.

"New pipes, huh? Where's Luffy-yoi?" Marco came around the corner and walked into the conversation looking around for the hyper ball named Luffy. Ace and Sabo's eyes widened at the missing child who they were sure would go running to Marco.

"Uhh..He..Uhhh..I-I'll go get him!" Sabo said taking a step back and pulling Ace with him who started to pale. Marco raised his eye brow in suspicion.

"You don't think he-!" Sabo said running back towards the path that lead to the other village.

"He wouldn't have! He can't be that stupid!" Ace was panicking it had been hours since they left him alone in that forest, 6 freaking hours to be exact! They ran as fast as they could towards where they might find the little boy.

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