Chapter 27: Time for brothers welcome back Marco

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When Ace woke up he was a bit surprised not to find Luffy sleeping beside him when he was pretty sure he went to bed with both him and Sabo that night.

"Sabo wake up" Ace nudged his brother who was sprawled out on the bed they shared.

"Sabo...Sabo...Sab...Sabby..SABOOO!" Ace bugged him annoyingly

"What!? Go away Ace!...Just a bit longer." He slurred out and rolled over taking the blankets with him a tick of annoyance appearing on Ace's forehead.

"Tch, fine." He said getting up from the bed deciding to go look for Luffy though he was surprised to see it was just barely dawn.

Luffy liked to sleep right until breakfast was ready no earlier and no later so it was times like this that threw the kid off.

Ace decided the first place to check was the kitchen because if anything Luffy would follow his stomach first and this would be the place to go. Ace walked in and saw Thatch his hair not yet in its normal style but in a ponytail hanging down his back.

"You're up early brat?" Thatch said fondly to Ace who waved in response.

"Yo, Luffy was gone." Was all he needed to say causing Thatch to smile softly towards Ace.

"Ahh yeah he got up about an hour ago." Thatch said with his smile and Ace tilted his head confused that was way before the sun was up.

"Why?" Thatch turned back towards the breakfast he was starting before talking.

"Marco's going away on a mission for the day and won't be back until probably after dinner tonight." He said his voice tight but his smile still there.

"Doesn't he do missions?" Ace knew the commanders went out and protected the territories or dealt with stupid rookies so Ace wasn't sure why it was a big deal.

"I forgot this is the first time Marco's gone out with you guys here." Thatch said shaking his head making Ace feel even more lost.

"Luffy and Marco... Since they've been together so long they have a special bond you could say. They worry about each other and are very protective of one another; you've already witnessed that through Marco plenty of times already though." Thatch said laughing Ace nodded his head knowing how scary Marco could get if Luffy was threatened at all.

"Luffy doesn't like it when Marco goes on missions, he worries so much about his brother that he has to see him off every time." Understanding finally came to Ace

"So that's why he was up early." He said nodding his head now.

"Yup he needs to tell Marco to be safe and come home soon. He's done it every single time for as long as I can remember." Thatch said now warming up the stove to begin the bacon for the crew.

"I see but Marco will be back right?" Ace asked cautiously

"Of course! He's not the first division commander for nothing you know. Marco's strong so have faith little brother." Thatch said now cracking eggs making many different forms for the picky eaters and the not so picky eaters in his family.

"Where is Luffy?" Ace asked looking around finally remembering why he came to the kitchen in the first place.

"He's probably on the figure head; he won't be coming to the galley for breakfast so we'll have to make sure he gets his meals whenever he decides to eat." Thatch said removing the bacon from one end of the stove onto a plate where it could cool safely.

"Why won't he eat with everyone?" Ace was now once again confused by his little brother's actions.

"Because he wants to be the first person to welcome Marco home when he returns." Thatch laughed and Ace shook his head. Thatch placed an egg onto a plate with some crispy bacon and a few pieces of toast handing it to Ace who just stared at it.

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