Chapter 10: First Island First Rejections

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 10: First Island First Rejections

It was Luffy's first island adventure and he was practically vibrating with excitement. The moment Marco said he could come with him to order the food supplies he jumped around the ship telling everyone he could trap. When the ship docked Marco looked to his division and warned them about causing trouble and the consequences it would have if they did. Luffy wasn't waiting he grabbed Marco's hand and started to tug giving the man a look of excitement and impatience.

"Come on Marco! I wanna go now!" Luffy said with a hint of annoyance Marco's speech was cutting into his adventure time.

"Alright, alright let's go brat. You need to hold my hand though okay-Yoi?" He said earning a smile and a frantic nodding of a little straw hatted head. Thatch had wandered off on the island saying something about pretty girls and not needing to disappoint but Luffy didn't pay much attention to him his own excitement keeping him occupied.

Marco was being dragged towards the buzzing town where Luffy had seen a few of the other crew members wander towards in excitement that was contagious.

"Our first stop is to place the order-yoi. Try and be good in the shop alright?" He asked the kid who was just smiling looking at everything around him.

When they arrived at the shop the store owner came running out to greet them. Luffy not one to be shy said his hellos before he started to run around the shop exploring while he could. The workers chased him around begging the kid not to touch anything important or break anything.

The owner paid all his attention to Marco who told him what was needed and gave the list out as a reminder. Once Marco had finished paying for the supplies he thanked the owner who bowed rather deeply to the commander who just waved it off then called Luffy down from the top shelf.

Luffy hearing Marco call for him jumped into the man's arms and laughed. The workers seemed thankful to watch the boy go but Luffy waved his goodbyes and thanked them for playing with him, Marco couldn't stop the laugh at the child's innocence.

They moved from store to store buying supplies and giving lists out to different people to get ready before they left in the few days. Luffy was having fun spending his time with Marco but saw a few children playing in the streets. Luffy had never seen other children before so he was a bit curious as to what it might be like to talk to them.

Pulling on Marco's sleeve to get his attention he pointed out the kids and asked if he could go play with them. Marco taking the opportunity to let Luffy have time with other children his age agreed to let him play as long as he didn't go anywhere. Marco heading into his next shop watched as Luffy wandered off to introduce himself couldn't help but smile his little brother was starting to grow up. If Luffy was really planning on gathering a crew someday he knew that he would have to let him go and meet new people. To learn to trust others like he trusted them, shaking his head he called over the shop keeper.

Luffy was actually feeling a bit nervous about talking to them he had never met anyone his age and didn't know just what to say to them. He took a deep breath and smiled saying hello.

The kids looked up startled that someone they didn't know was talking to them.

"I'm Luffy! Can I play with you guys?" They all looked at each other before smiling.

"Sure, Kid." One said holding a ball under his arm.

"We're about to play soccer, know how to play?" Another boy asked with a grin Luffy shook his head and tried to listen to the instructions but only coming to grips of it being a mystery game. The boys looked at each other confused but let it go. Once gathered into teams the boys kicked past each other trying to score goals.

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