Chapter 5: Gifts and Big Boys

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 5: Gifts and Big Boys

"Where's he going with that?" Thatch asked watching Luffy walk on his little legs holding a few pieces of breakfast in his hands.

"Dunno, Luffy what cha got there little guy?" Haruta asked Luffy bending down to his level.

"Br-fas" He said to her proudly with a smile

"Breakfast for who buddy?" Thatch asked him

"Br-fas for Ma-ko" He said in his adorable words that made them laugh.

"Why don't we bring him a plate of food instead buddy." Thatch chuckled but Luffy scowled.

"Noooo! I br-ing br-fas for Ma-ko!" He turned on his heels and went straight to the said man's room.

"Ma-ko! Ma-ko!" Luffy called to the man hoping he would open the door he didn't wait long.

"What is it brat-yoi." He covered his eyes from the sun he was so tired.

"I bro br-fas!" He reached his hands out showing the pile of eggs in his little hands. Marco looked down at it in worry but knew he was stuck with it. No one says no to Luffy, it's impossible! Especially when he gives you those big brown eyes that water the moment you consider the word no.

"Thanks Luffy it looks delicious-Yoi" Luffy smiled as Marco took the eggs from his hands.

"I'll put it here for now and eat it in a bit okay?" Luffy smiled as wide as possible to Marco.

Ever since Luffy had learned to walk fully and start using more of his words he began to bring things to people, most of the time it was a toy, book or just something that belonged to another person. Mostly Marco, Thatch and Pops got the gifts and waited for the person to come and get their belongings. On other occasions people were given food from his little hands. Once one of the crew members tried to deny the food and Luffy broke into devastated tears until the member took and ate it right there and then. Sadly it was Stefan's dog kibbles, but it made the kid smile.

6 months had passed and Luffy was now a loud 2 year old.

"Marco Marco Marco Marco Marco Marco!" Luffy came running towards him at full speed before crashing into his leg giving a hug.

"I wasn't gone that long Luffy-yoi." He chuckled and patted the little kids head.

"Did cha bring me any food!?" He asked giving the wide puppy eyes.

"No, But if you go find Thatch he might have something for you-yoi." He smiled.

"Nu-Uh, I already tried!" Luffy exclaimed dramatically. "He said to wait for dinner, so I said why?" He smiled up at Marco who just picked the little guy up.

"Did you eat all of your Lunch?" Luffy nodded with his smile.

"But it wasn' enough!" Marco ruffled his hair with a smile Luffy had moved on from baby foods to full grown meals just as quickly as he had learned to run.

"You're growing too quickly little brother, but you're still a shrimp to me –yoi." Luffy hit his fist against Marco's chest.

"Nu-uh! Imma big boy now! I two!" Marco Laughed

"Oh? And two makes you a big boy?" Thatch asked coming out of nowhere and tickling Luffy who was trapped in Marco's arms.

"Stop Thatchy!" Luffy laughed before Marco put him down and he was off.

"You were able to say not to him-yoi?" Marco asked his friend before he went to chase after the kid.

"I didn't look in his eyes. The kid can't get everything he want's Marco. He needs to learn that the world will reject him even once in a while. If we spoil him rotten he'll never grow." Thatch may be the goof on the ship but he knew what was best right now.

"Also, have you seen how much he eats!? If I said yes I'd be cooking the rest of the afternoon!" Thatch laughed before he raced after the little boy who had stopped to look back at them.

"Sometimes I forget just where he is, we're Lucky there haven't been any major fights either-yoi." Marco trailed off while walking towards pop's chair.

"We have been Lucky. We can stay close to safe waters for now but soon enough he'll have to be trained. There may come a time we won't be there for him, he needs to know how to protect himself." Pop's said to Marco who had jumped up to sit on the edge of the older man's chair.

"Sometimes I wish he'd never grow up but other times I can't wait to see what he'll become-yoi." Marco smiled at his father.

"He'll be a force to be reckoned with someday that's for sure. A man who won't ever take no for an answer GURARARA!" Marco couldn't help but laugh along with his father.

"I'm glad he'll be one of us then-yoi." He smiled looking out towards the sea listening to Luffy's laughter ring across the waves.

"He's going to be big someday, he going to be strong. Strong enough to change everything...I can just feel it-yoi."

"I can't wait." Was all the old man said and they fell into a comfortable silence listening to the crew around them, their family, and their home.

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