In Pursuit

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I'm running as fast as I can chasing this man. I see him at a distance and I feel my legs weakening. I wasn't a fast runner but I wasn't going to let this criminal get away. I had been chasing him for a while and I will be bringing him in. We get to an alley with a dead end and the man gets mad and kicks the bushes. I smiled as I stood by him trying to catch my breath. He stood there and started to walk closer to me. I stood my ground. "If you move or get closer to me I promise what I do will hurt you." The man smirks at me. "Oh yeah I'm pretty sure what you will do to me will hurt doll face." He says as he looks at me from head to toe. I snarl in disgust. He tries to throw a punch but I block it and I kick him in the chest and he fell backwards. He got up and he took off and I ran after him. I then pushed him to the floor and I sat on top of his back. He chuckled. "Oh I wouldn't mind doing enjoyable activities with you while being on the floor beautiful." I scoff. I grabbed his arms and locked the handcuffs on. "You disgust me, get up." He laughs as gets up. I pull tight on his handcuffs and he smiles. "Oh sweetheart I see you like it rough." I scoff and push him. That's when the captain of our team comes and takes him away. He loads him into a car and they drive away. I smile as I see them drive away. I had been following this guy for like the past 6 months and I feel amazing knowing that he will finally be behind bars. Not bad for a special agent of the FBI. I head back to the FBI headquarters and I make my way to my office. I sit down and I turn on my computer and I start to check my emails. "Good afternoon miss Swan." I smile. "What is it Dave?" Dave is one of the interns here in the office and he is just so clingy with me but he's super cute. "Umm the director..." I give him a weird look and that's when the director walks in. "Swan what was that mess out there?" I gave him a weird look. "Dave you can go." Dave nods and walks away. "I don't recall director Johnson, what mess?" He scoffs. "That mess with Kyle Brandon, we had to let him go because apparently you sexually harassed him and forgot to read him his rights." I gasp. "What the hell, I did no such thing he was the one who kept telling me all these sexual remarks and yeah I might have forgotten to read him his rights but come on who doesn't know their rights?" He walks out furious and I follow him and that's when Kyle passes by. He walks by me and winks at me. "See you later doll." I scoff. I walk back to my office and I am beyond pissed. This always happens just because I am woman they treat me bad and de value me and I'm not the first one to forget to read a suspect his or her rights. They're just using whatever excuse to fire me. The assistant director walks in and hands me a file. "Swan you're on a new case." I give him a weird look as I open the file and I start to read it. "Killian Jones, known for fraud but more for stealing paintings, jewels, and countless other things from rich and powerful people." I continued to read the file. "Your priority is this case and nothing else." I stayed quiet. "You hear me Emma, we've been trying to catch him for the past 3 years and nothing." I sat there baffled. "Why am I handed this case when I'm on the Homicide division?" He laughs. "After your incident with Kyle you're off the homicide division." I get up. "What? This is not fair, he's the one who harassed me..." He puts his hand up. "Directors orders.." "But..." "It's either that or you will be sent to a desk out there." And he points out to the secretaries' desks. I sit down. "Fine." "Good luck." I grin and he walks out and closes the door. I scoff. I've been on the force for nearly 10 years and I fought to get where I am, I will not let these stupid men ruin my career. I stare at the file. I'm going to catch Killian Jones and with his arrest I will take my place and show them that I am just like any other special agent out there. I continue to read the case file and tried to learn his motives and how he works. I am going to breathe this case so I can get into the mind of Killian Jones.

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