Princess or Prince?

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Today is a big day for our family. After the horrible event our family went through, it was time for some good news. Today I find out whether or not I was having a boy or a girl. My mom, dad, siblings, Regina and Tyler all accompanied me to my appointment.

I was sitting down nervous as can be as the doctor was preparing me for the check up. Tyler and my mother are in there with me while the doctor checks me. After he does he calls out for the rest of the family. They all walk in and I grab hold of Tyler's hand. He kisses it and smiles. "You nervous?" I nod.

"Whether the baby is a boy or a girl, I will love him or her for the rest of my life." He says and I couldn't help but smile. He leans down and kisses me. The doctor lifts up my shirt and starts to do the ultrasound. "The baby is looking healthy." He says and we all smile.

He presses a button and we could hear the baby's heart beat. I smiled and nudged Tyler. "You hear that?" I say and he smiles. "My boy or girl has a strong heart." He says and I smile. "So who thinks it's a girl?" The doctor asks. Everyone except my mom and Regina raise their hands. The doctors laughs.

"So you two think the queen is having a prince?" The doctor says and Regina and my mom nod their heads. He smiles. "Well let's see." He says and continues to check the ultrasound. "Well your majesty it seems that you are having a..." That's when the word boy pops out in the screen. "A little prince." He says and everyone shouts.

I smiled like crazy. I'm having a little boy, oh what joy. My mom and Regina smiled. "I knew it." My mom said. We all laughed. "Tyler we are having a little boy," I say and he nods. "Yes we are my queen." He says and gives me a sweet and tender kiss. I smile. Everyone cheered. I reached out for my mom and Regina's hand.

"I hope you two are excited to be grandmothers?" They both smile. "I'm so happy." My mom says and I see Regina a little upset. That's when Killian notices then grabs my siblings and takes them out of the room. "I'll leave you two alone." My mom says and walks out. She walks away and the doctors follows right behind.

"Regina what's wrong?" She sighs. "Even though I have been forgiven, I can't help but feel unworthy of such kindness from your behalf Rhea?" I gave her a baffled look. "How can you be excited for me to be a grandmother, when I was a bad mother." She says and looks at Tyler with tears in her eyes.

"What if I fail?" Tyler's face softens. "Mom." She sighs. "What if I go back to my dark ways, what if.." Tyler hugs her. "Mom." He says and she hugs him back. He backs away and kisses her on her forehead. "Mom we all make mistakes but now you are redeeming yourself. If you fall we will help you get back up." Tyler says and looks at me and I give him a reassuring nod.

She smiles. "I can't be a good grandmother, I mean.." "Regina, we aren't perfect, we all make mistakes and sometimes things happen for a reason." She stood there quiet. "What you intended for Evil actually turned out to be a gift for all of us. You've been blessed with more family than you could have ever imagined."

She smiles with tears rolling down. I smile. "And besides I think you're going to have competition with my mother to see who will be the best grandma." I say and laugh. "Oh no Emma will definitely have a hard time to win that title because I will be crowned as the best grandma." She says and I smile.

"Thank you Rhea." She says and gives me a hug. "You are very welcome." I say and she gives Tyler a kiss on his cheek. "See you two later." She says and we nod. Tyler looks over at me and smiles. "So what do we do now?" I ask and he smiles. "How about we go out for a walk?" I nod. "I like the sound of that." He smiles and we walked out to the courtyard of the palace.

We held hands as we sat down at our little gazebo that was just built. "Remember what happened in a place like this?" I laughed. "Oh yeah." He laughs. "So what's next in our agenda?" He asks and I smile. "Well we have to plan for the arrival of our little prince and how we will tell the kingdom of his arrival." I say as I got up and stared out the palace.

"And also tell them about our engagement." I gasp. Did he say engagement? I turn around and he's on bended knee. I gasp. "Tyler what are you doing?" He smiles. "I think you know what this means." I smile. "Oh Tyler you don't have to do this just because we are expecting a baby." He gives me a baffled look.

"Rhea you think I'm asking you to marry me just because we are expecting a baby?" I look down and sigh. He gets up and lifts my chin. "Rhea I wanted to marry you since before I found out you were pregnant." My eyes shot open. "Really?" He nods.

"I just thought.." He laughs. "No the real reason why I want to marry you is to become king." He says and I shake my head. "Rhea, I don't care if you're a queen, I want to marry you and raise our baby together." I couldn't help but blush and cry.

"With that being said." He says and gets on knee and takes out a ring. "Will you marry me Rhea?" He asks and I stayed quiet. I laughed and nodded. "Of course my love." I say and he slides the ring on my finger. He gets up and I pull him into a kiss. That's when I groan. He gasps. "I think our little prince doesn't like you kissing his mommy." He smiles.

He kisses me one more time and that's when everyone comes and throws flower petals over us. I stood there baffled. "Congrats." Everyone said and I looked over at Tyler. "They knew?" He smiled. "Yeah." My parents come over and hugged me. Regina then comes and hugs me. "I guess you're going to my daughter in law." She says and I nod.

"I can't believe they knew you were proposing to me today and I can't believe my dad said yes." I said as I hugged Tyler. He smiled then chuckled. "It wasn't easy but he gave me his blessing." I smiled. "Yeah but what can I say he won me over." My dad says as he hugs my mom.

I smiled as I looked at everyone. This was my family, and I was excited to see what was in store for us.

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