Back to Birmingham

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Time passes by and I wake up in an airplane. I get up and I groan. I had the biggest headache ever. I look around and I'm in a similar plane as the one I was in when I first went to Birmingham. I sit up and I rub my eyes and I see Killian sitting there looking out the window. He turns to me and smiles. "Oh good my love you're awake." I nod and that's when I gasp. It just hit me the way I acted before we left. "I'm sorry about earlier." I say and look down. He nods. "It's ok my love I knew sooner or later you were going to break, you haven't gotten angry or cried a good long cry after Rhea's official disappearance." I smile as he caresses my face. I grabbed his hand and sighed. "Oh what did I do to deserve such an amazing man?" He smiles. He gets up and hands me a cup of coffee. I nod and start to drink it. I put the cup down and it hit me that we were in a private jet. "Killian I thought we were flying coach?" He smiles. "My friend Logan from Birmingham let us borrow the plane." I gasp. "Really?" He nods. "Anyways it worked out because I couldn't take you in a normal air plane all passed out from the drinking." I laugh nervously. "I'm sorry I never drink." He nods. "It's ok love all we need to do is focus on getting Rhea back from my mother well if she's even there." I nod. Hours pass by and we get to Birmingham and to our luck we get there at night so no one knows that we are there. We check into a hotel and await the confrontation. We just laid down on the bed embraced in each other's arms. I laid my head on his chest and he just caresses my head. "What if Rhea isn't over there or worse she doesn't want to come home?" He sighs. "Love our daughter is over there and she will want to come back home with us." I smile. He leans down and gives me a soft and tender kiss. I sigh. "I know but I know how your mother is and well..." "Look love don't worry, she might manipulate her but she is our daughter and she loves us, don't forget about that." I nod. He gives me another sweet kiss and we slowly fell asleep in each other's arms.

Once the sun rose, we went on our way to the palace. We tried to get in but for some reason we weren't able too. Of course the Queen would do that. The last time we were here we didn't leave in the best of terms. Killian and I being the agents that we are we decided to go in through the secret entrance and made our way inside the palace. We split up and we were going to let each other know if we find Rhea. As I was walking along the corridors all these memories from the last time I was here kept playing in my mind. I was dumb back then but now I'm here for my baby girl and I will not let that woman take her away from me. I continue to walk and nothing, there's no sign of her. I start to get irritated. I wanted my baby girl back in my arms. I walked outside and I don't watch where I'm going and I bump into someone. As soon as I see who it is my heart skips a beat.

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