Utter Shock

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I'm being checked to see if the baby is ok and to see if I don't have any other internal injuries. They are sewing up my wounds and are checking the baby. Thank heavens that my baby is indeed safe and is growing at a healthy rate despite my lack of nourishment these last couple of weeks.

I walk out of the room and I receive some excellent news, I find out that Tyler is still alive but he was in surgery. That made my heart soar. I caress my belly and I smile. "Hear that baby, your daddy is going to make it." I smile again and make my way to the palace OR.

I get there and I make my way to the window of the OR. I see them working on him and I stood there a bit worried. My body is in extreme pain and all this anxiety isn't helping. As I'm standing there watching the doctors work on him one of the machines starts beeping. I start to panic.

"We are losing him." I over hear the doctor scream. I put my hands on the window and my heart is racing. "Bring in the crash cart." I over him say and they bring the cart. "Charge to 200." He says and they charge the paddles.
"Clear." He says and he shocks Tyler. His body shoots up and falls back down.

They check the monitor and it is still flat lining. "No change." He sighs. "Charge to 300." He says and shocks him again. They check the machine, no change. "Again." They charge him and no change. My heart is breaking. I put my hand on the window and I start to cry.

No he can't die. They start to do chest compressions. That's when I run inside and they all gasp. "Your majesty." They all said. "Please save him." I say out loud. They continued for another 10 minutes and there is still no change. They all sighed. "Time of death, 8:15 p.m." The doctor says. I burst into tears. "No!" I scream out. They all stood there with their heads down.

I walk up to him and I start to caress his face. "I am so sorry your majesty," the surgeon says. I nod. "Thank you all." I say and they walk out. I look down and I'm crying like crazy. My love why, why did you leave me? My tears are falling on his face and I wipe them down.

I love you Tyler, please come back. I can't raise our little one by myself. I lean down and kiss him and all I could feel was emptiness. I caress his cheek and continued to cry. I touch his chest and then placed my head on top of his chest. I stood up and sighed. That's when Regina and my parents walked in. They all stood there shocked.

Regina bursted out sobbing. "No, no, no." She screams out. My mom tries to comfort her while she's sobbing on the floor. My dad walks up to me and sighs. "I am so sorry sweetie." I nod. I placed my face on top of his chest and that's when I hear the monitor beep. I ignored it and continued to cry. "Rhea?" I over hear my dad say.

I look up. "Yes dad?" He smiles. "Look." I look at the monitor and I hear a heart beat. Regina gets up. "Is he?" I look up at him and he starts to groan. I smile. "He's alive, go get the doctor." I scream out and my parents run out. Regina walks up to Tyler and smiles. He opens his eyes. "Rhea?" He asks quietly. I nod.

"Yes love Im here." He smiles. "Mom?" Regina nods. "Yes my boy Im here." He smiles then starts to groan in pain. That's when the doctors run inside the OR. "Please your majesty can you all leave so we can continue to treat Tyler." The surgeon says. I nod and take Regina away. We walk outside the room and see how they put him to sleep to continue to work on him.

"He's alive." Regina says. I smile. "He's back." She nods then sighs. "Rhea?" I nod. "Yes?" She sighs. "Can you please forgive me, forgive me for everything that I've done. I know what I did was wrong, I...." I grab her hand. "Regina it's ok, you've lived with that hatred in your heart, you've never known how to love and care for people in that way nevertheless forgive them."

She starts to cry. "I can't forgive myself for what I did." I sigh. "It will take some time." She nods. "Hopefully, my baby will help you see how it is to love someone without having all that darkness in your heart." She smiles. "That's right." I smile. "And hey you will have someone who is in the royal blood line." She smiles.

"That doesn't matter to me as long as he or she is born healthy it doesn't matter what his or her status is." I smile. That's when the doctor comes out. "The surgery was successful, you will be able to see him in a couple of hours." I smile and hug the surgeon. "Thank you." He nods and bows. Regina smiles. "He made it." I nod.

A couple of hours pass and we were able to see Tyler. We walked in and there he was sound asleep and thank the heavens not dead. I walked over to his side and sat down on a chair. Regina grabs another chair and sits on the other side of the bed. That's when we hear a groan. His eyes start to open and he smiles.

"Rhea." He says and I smile. He extends his hand out and caresses my cheek. I touch the hand that's touching my cheek and I smile. "Yes?" He smiles. "Rhea I love you." I smile. "I love you too." He smiles. That's when he turns around and sees Regina.

"Mom?" She nods. "Yes my prince Im here." Tyler smiles. She grabs his hand and kisses it. "Oh my boy can you ever forgive me?" He smiles. "Only if you promise to forget about the idea to seek vengeance." She smiles. "I promise, and besides I have a little someone who I need to worry about now." Regina says as she looks at me. I smile.

That's when Tyler starts to laugh. We gave him a weird look. "What's wrong, why are you laughing?" Regina asks baffled as can be. "You never wanted to be associated with Rhea's family and you are now a part of it." I smile and Regina nods. "That is indeed true." I smile. "Welcome to the family Regina." I say and she smiles with tears in her eyes.

That's when my parents walk in. Tyler sits up. "Killian, Emma." He says and my parents smile. They walk up to him and Tyler smiles. "It's so good to see that you're ok Tyler." My mom says and he nods. "Thanks." My dad looks down and I could tell he is feeling super guilty. I wonder why.

"Tyler..." My dad says and Tyler looks up. "Yes?" "Im sorry for hitting you." Oh so it was my dad that hurt him. Why on earth did he do that? Tyler smiles. "It's ok, I would have done the same thing if I was in your place." Tyler says and my dad nods. I look over at Regina and she has a straight face. "Don't think you're getting off so easily Killian, I will hold this over your head for a long time." Regina says.

Tyler gasps. "Mom what did I just say?" Regina laughs. "Hey you said we are family and that's what family does." We all stood there quietly then laughed. My dad laughs. "That is indeed true," he says while hugging my mom. "And if that's the case then Tyler, I will hold it over your head for a long time that you got my daughter pregnant." My dad says and I scoff.

"Dad, what the hell?" He smiles. "Well you said we were family?" I nod and held hands with Tyler. "That's right, we are family." I say and Tyler gets my hand and kisses it. "I love you," he mouths. I smile. "I love you too," I mouthed back.

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