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Two days later
We finally came up with a plan to overrule Zelena, and take back our kingdom. Regina decided in case things needed to get messy she would take over but we will try our best to not get to that.

"So is everyone ready?" I ask and everyone nods. We all stood at Zelena's door waiting to attack. Everyone was in their positions. I cracked open the door and I see Zelena staring out of the window. I bang open the door and everyone runs inside. Rhea goes and takes Uzi as Killian and Robin tie her up. I stay at Rhea's side to protect her and Uzi.

Zelena laughs and the rope becomes un done. She does something to Killian and Robin that they fall. We all gasp. She comes walking towards us and that's when Regina and Tyler walk in. "Not so fast sis." Regina says and grabs her by the neck. Tyler walks over to us and hugs Rhea. I stand guard waiting for Zelena's next move.

"You will take us home now!" Regina yells. Zelena laughs agains. "I can't, we can't go back," she says and I scoff. Regina ties her hands and I grab her by the shirt and pinned her against the wall. "Yes we can you just don't want to take us back." She laughs.

"Emma don't you see all this isn't real, none of it is real." I give her a weird look. That's when Killian and Robin get up from off the floor. "The reason why we are stuck here is because you can't wake up." I give her a weird look. "What?" "This world isn't real, I am real but I was defeated." I gasp.

"What the hell are you talking about?" That's when I look back at everyone and they start to fade away. I gasp. "What the hell is going on?" She smiles. "We are free." She says and disappears. I run after Rhea but she faded away before I could hug her. I make my way to Killian's arms but he fades away before I could reach him.

Before you know it everyone had disappeared, I was left alone in a dark room. I was confused, wasn't this world real? That's when I start to hear some voices. Their voices seemed familiar was it my family, friends? That's when my whole world turns dark.

I open my eyes and I'm in a bed, but besides that I don't recognize anything. I look at my arms and I'm strapped to this weird contraption. I look around and I see Colin, why is he here, the last time he was with me he sent me to prison. He has to leave! That's when he turns around and runs up to me. "Emma my love you're awake." He says with tears in his eyes. I gave him a baffled look. Emma, who the hell is Emma? I scoffed.

"Colin my name is Jen, not Emma." He gave me a baffled look. "Emma it's me Killian, your husband." I chuckled. "So after you treated me like dirt, and threw me in prison you say that you're my husband?" He shakes his head. He seemed confused.

"Emma my love you've been in a coma ever since the palace got attacked, you saved our daughter and our grandchild." I gave him a weird look. "You're out of your mind Colin, Im not married, Im a maid in this kingdom." He sighs and walks outside the room. I was getting frustrated.

I start to pull off the wires and some people walked in and tried to hold me down. I was going crazy. That's when they poked me and I felt sleepy. After a couple of seconds sleep takes over me.

Killian's POV
I called Rhea down so we can both talk to the doctor about Emma. "It's true did mom wake up after months of being in that Coma dad?" Rhea asks while hugging me. I sigh. "She did but she's not herself, she called me Colin." Rhea gave me a weird look. Rhea looked at the doctor so he could explain what was going on.

"Your majesty, it was just like I told you when we induced her in the coma. There might be a chance that she will never wake up or if she does she won't remember anything." We stood there still confused. "But in this case, from what you told me Killian, she might have been dreaming while in the coma so she believes she's still in it." I chuckled and shook my head.

"So what do we do now?" He sighs. "Slowly remind her of what's real, and who all of you are, that might trigger her to remember her life not her life she had while she was asleep." We nod. "Thanks doctor at least Im happy to know that my mother is alive." Rhea says and the doctor nods.

I look back inside the room and I see Emma asleep. I sighed. "Hey Dad, look at the bright side, mom is alive so why don't we tell everyone that she's alive?" I sighed. "Not yet we have to get her to remember who she is first." She sighs. "The attack at the palace and to our citizens is still hurting us but we will get through it dad." I smiled and hugged Rhea. "Yes sweetie, we will."

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