Flying back Home

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5 days later
It's been a rough time without my loves but I was nearly done with training so that motivated me to finish so I can see them. I haven't been able to check my phone because the connection here sucks. Luckily today was our day off so I decided to go and find a place with Wi-Fi so I can have a better connection and talk to Emma. "30 missed calls, 7 new voicemails." Damn Emma sure has missed me. I start to listen to the voicemail and my heart drops. My parents found a way to take Emma back to my old home. No this was disaster. I need to get to Birmingham ASAP. I grab my stuff and booked it back to the training base. I pack all my stuff and just left. Emma has been there for almost a week I bet you anything that my parents have treated her like crap. I get dropped off at the airport and grabbed the first flight I could find to Birmingham. Once on board I sat down and tried to calm myself down. I haven't been there in 15 years. I have hidden my identity from the people and now people will know me for what I really am, a prince. How horrible. I can't imagine how Emma must feel right now. I think she liked me better when she knew I was a thief who mended his ways and became an agent who fell in love with her than a prince who ran away. Hours later we make it and I quickly put on a hoodie and glasses so no one could recognize me. I grabbed my luggage and walked out of the terminal to grab a taxi. The taxi takes me to a hotel. I booked a room a walked up to change. As I was changing I was trying to wrap my head around the fact that I'm back in my old home. I finished changing and I walked out of the hotel and grabbed a taxi. The taxi drives me to the palace. I stood there in awe. I had forgotten how huge it truly is. That's when I see a bunch of cars and a lot of commotion going on. Was there a ball going on? I gasp that's when I sneak into palace using the back abandoned entrance.

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