Falling in Love

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Jen's POV
After I served Zelena her lunch, I went and grabbed my basket and bag then went into town. I saw Colin right outside the entrance and he smiled at me as I walked by. I couldn't help but feel all tingly inside. He is so handsome, yet he can't be with me. He's with Lana, it's just a dream that can't come true.

I finally get into the town and made my way to the market. I was walking by the food stands when I noticed two guys staring at me. I ignored it and continued to go on my way to pick up some materials I needed for the kitchen.

I went down by the docks and I see those men again. I started to feel a bit frightened. I decided it was best to go back home. I took a shortcut and walked by the cliffs. I stood by the cliff and sighed. I knew they were following me. I turn around and sure enough there they were.

"What do you two want?" They both looked at me from head to toe. "What's a woman like you doing here all alone?" One of them says. I scoff. "Doing my job which you two aren't doing because you don't have any." I say and they both scoff. One of them grabs chin and pulls me close to him. "You are coming with us, if not.." I chuckle.

"If not what?" He laughs. "You will die." I laugh. "Well that sounds better than being with you." I say and kick him. I stood back and I see them standing there ground. Why on earth did this seem familiar. They charge at me and I go and knock of them out. That's when I get a flashback of some sort.

I see myself fighting like this was normal for me. Then I see myself fighting and alongside Colin? But how? I come back to my senses and that's when the man grabs me. "Not that tough now huh lass?" He says and I scoff. "Oy mate, I think it's best you let her go," I hear a voice say. We turn and I see Colin standing there. I gasp. What the hell is he doing here?

"I said let her go." He says and the man holding me chuckles. "Or what?" "You will suffer the consequences." Colin says and I couldn't help but smile. "Why don't you go back to the Queen and leave me with this wench." He says and I scoff.

"Mate, she is not a wench, let her go." Colin says and the man turns me around and pushes me towards the end of the cliff. I start to panic. "You said to let her go right so here you go," he says and pushes me off the edge of the cliff. "Jennifer!" Colin screams running towards me. I scream as I was falling and grabbed on to a root that was sticking out.

I hold on to dear life. I hear swords clashing which means Colin was fighting that man. After what seemed like an eternity I see Colin looking down at me. "Jen, grab on to my hand," he says reaching down for me. I shake my head. "No Im going to fall," I say as tears were rolling down my cheek.

"No Jen, trust me," he says and that's when I get another flashback. I see myself arresting someone then I see myself pregnant and what Colin is there too Again, but how? I come back to my sense and that's when I look down. I look up and Colin is still trying to reach for me.

"Colin I can't," I say and he shakes his head. "Jen look at me, I will save you." He says and I half smile. That's when the root is starting to break. "Jen you're going to have to reach for my hand." I shake my head. "I'm too scared." He sighs.

"Jen you just beat the crap out of two men and you're scared of this? Come on love," he says and I nod. I couldn't help but smile and blush that he called me love. Even though I was in the brink of death I was falling more and more in love with him. That's when the root starts to break even more.

"Jen please," he says with a shaky voice. I smile. "It's ok Colin, Im no one, just tell Rhea that she's an awesome friend." He shakes his head. "No Jen I will save you." I smile. "Colin you don't know me, we barely talk back at the palace." He sighs.

"I know you Jen, but it's not too late to start?" I smile. "Take care of Rhea please." I say and that's when the root snaps. I fall and that's when I felt a hand grab my wrist. I look up and Colin had grabbed me. I tried to help him as he pulls me up. He pulls me away from the edge and hugs me.

I couldn't help but feel safe in his arms. He backs away and stares at me. My did his eyes shine like never before. "Thanks Colin," I say breaking the eye contact with him. He dries my tears. "I told you that I was going to save you." I smile and nod. I'm still shaking and tried to get up. I fall and he catches me.

I smile. "Hey I got you," he says and picks me up. I nod. He starts to walk back to the palace with me in his arms. As we are walking I couldn't help but be drawn to him even more. He would casually look down and give me a smile. That would melt my heart. I leaned against his shoulder and that's when I get another flash back.

So many things were playing through my mind and Colin was in them but we looked different, that's when I come back. I look up and I see Colin standing there almost as if he had a flashback of some sort too. "Umm Colin are you ok?" He shakes his head and laughs nervously. "Umm yeah I just, remembered or saw something, Ehh anyways it doesn't matter," he says and smiles nervously.

I wondered if he had seen the same thing I just did. He didn't say anything so I assumed he didn't. We walked back to the palace and he walked me to the kitchen. We stood there and he was just staring at me, in the same way he had done all day. My was my heart still melting.

I wanted to ask him why he had come to save me but I didn't get the chance, I mean his eyes had me distracted. We were just staring at each other and that's when he started to lean down towards me. I started to caress his cheek while he was still holding me in his arms. He reaches more towards me and I started to get nervous. Was he going to kiss me? That's when we hear coughing.

We jolt up and we see Lana standing in the door way. "Am I interrupting something?" I jump off of Colin's arms. "No it's just Jen was at the market..." Colin says then Lana puts her hands up. "I don't care, I just want to leave one thing clear Jen," she says with a sassy attitude. She goes and kisses Colin. I frown and my heart broke.

"Colin is mine, and he will never I repeat he will never be with a servant and a cook like you." Her words hurt me. I looked at Colin and he looks a bit confused after he kissed Lana. I wondered why but that didn't matter, I was dumb to think he would look at me like that. I scoff. "I wasn't going after him, I got attacked and nearly fell off a cliff so he saved me." She scoffs.

She then goes and pulls my hair back. I grunt and tried to pull away but she was stronger than me. "Lana let her go!" Colin screams while Lana was pulling on my hair. "If I see you trying to kiss my man again you will get it stupid blonde servant, now go," she says as she lets go and pushes me. "Go with Rhea and Ian, there's a ball that needs to be prepared." I scoff.

I look at Colin and he had a soft look on his face, I nod and walked away. This sucks, I am extremely heart broken. I've had a crush on him for the longest and I think it's best that I end that now. I am meant to be alone, so it's best I get used to the fact that I will forever be alone. Even if he wanted to talk and get to know me more stupid Lana won't let him get near me.

Colin's POV
Jen left the kitchen heartbroken and mad. I don't know what overcame me to want to kiss her. One thing is for sure I felt weird kissing Lana, almost as if kissing her was indeed weird. We have been together for a long time, I mean a very long time and why is it that now I feel this way? And I've seen Jen before too and why is it that Im starting to feel this way towards her?

I looked at Lana and shook my head. She smiled then wrapped her arms around my neck. "You're usually nice to her, you shouldn't have done that Lana?" She pouts. "No ones just a servant, we are all servants of the queen no one is higher than another." She nods. "I know, Im sorry but you're mine, she has to keep her hands off my man." I scoff. "I'm no ones property Lana." She sighs. "I know but you're mine." I sigh and nod.

"Well ok how about we go and see what else Zelena needs for this ball that she wants us to prepare." Lana nods and give me another kiss. Again that weird feeling came back but I brushed it off. We walk away hand in hand to go see Zelena.

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