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I see Rhea running off to go and find Emma and that made me extremely happy. I turn to look at my mom, Nick, Flora and I am extremely mad and disappointed. I give Nick a death glare and he just walks away. "How could you do this mother?" She stays quiet. "How could you fake my daughter's death and tell her that we died?" She stays quiet. "Please Killian..." I raise my hand up. "No Flora you have no right to speak, you pretending to be the real mother of Rhea, are you serious?" She sighs. "Killian, I do honestly love you and all I wanted was for you to accept me, and even though we told Rhea you were dead pretending to be Rhea's mother made me the happiest woman alive and seeing her every day made me smile I mean she reminds me of you." I sigh and stayed quiet. I didn't know she loved me, I thought she was just in it for the crown. "I'm sorry Flora, but you deserve to live your own life and not be bound here, why do you think I left, I didn't want to this life. You deserve someone who loves you with all his heart and I'm sorry that I can't correspond to you." She nods. "I'm sorry for everything Killian, for this, for treating Emma like crap everything." I nod. "You don't hate me right?" I half smile. I walk up to her and I put her hair behind her ear. "I will never hate you, you were hurt and angry, people do crazy things when they are angry and hurt." She half smiles. "Go and live your life, be free Flora go do what you always wanted to do." She nods. "I will always love you Killian." I nod. She gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks away. I smile. Polanski had left and my mother and I were left alone. "Son..." I look at her with such anger, I had to stop myself because if I don't I will probably do something that I will regret later and I mean she's my mother, I need to cool down. "I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that you hurt me mother, you hurt your own son." She nods. "Please son forgive me, it's just that after your father died, I lost it, I wanted you back so bad. I mean, the life that I wanted for you was this, to live out your days in the palace and become king as your father and I grew old. I imagined myself playing around the backyard with my grand kids. I wanted a life where you were in it and your sister. But no, what happened? You ran away and your sister became a fashion designer who is always away doing runway shows. Even though I love your father, you two were my life and seeing the palace so empty I went crazy. And just like Flora, Rhea reminded me so much of you that I wanted to keep her. That's why I did that because, no matter what I did you would not come back home. I know the reason you ran away was because I married you to Flora but I was willing to work things out. So I thought that if I couldn't have you then I would have the next best thing, your daughter. I just wanted your attention and for my little boy to come home." I was just quiet. I was very mad yet sad. "Why didn't you just go and tell me that you wanted me home?" She stays quiet. "Why mother? Why didn't you just tell me that you wanted me home, that you missed me? I didn't want to leave but you were so hard headed that I just had to go." She stays quiet. "Answer me!" She closes her eyes and grasps her chest. She starts to fall and I quickly grab her. We fall to the floor and I'm scared as can be. "Mom, mom what's wrong?" She sighs. "I've had three heart attacks this past month." I gasp. "But you're going to be ok, right?" She smiles and caresses my cheek. "Can you forgive me son for everything I did to you, for all the hurt I caused you?" I nod and I start to cry. "Of course mom but don't close your eyes." She smiles. "Help, anyone..." I started to scream and that's when one of the guards comes. "Send some help, please get the doctor." He nods and rushes out. In a matter of seconds, doctors come along with Rhea and Emma. I look at my mom and she keeps closing her eyes. "Love what's going on?" I look up with tears in my eyes and Rhea gasps. My mom opens her eyes as the doctors come and take her. She pushes them away. "Mom, please..." She shakes her head. "There's no use, its too late." I shake my head. "Please mom, let them help..." She smiles and looks over and signals Rhea and Emma to come over. They both kneel down and I try to sit her up. She reaches for Rhea's hand and she grabs it. "My sweet Rhea, I'm so sorry for everything I did to you, I just wanted you to be happy and for you to be with your grandma." Rhea smiles as tears were rolling down her cheek. "Please grandma you're going to be ok." She smiles. "Can you forgive me sweetie?" She nods and kisses her hand. "Yes but please grandma..." She then reaches out for Emma. Rhea scoots over and I see Emma scooting in front of her. "I'm so sorry Emma for everything that I did to you, out of everyone I hurt you the most and you didn't deserve that my sweet Emma." Emma stays quiet as she grabs tightly on to my mom's hand. "You just wanted my approval, you wanted me to be proud of you, to be accepted by me and I treated you like crap." Emma sighs. "Emma I love you sweetie, and I couldn't be more happy and proud of the woman that my son decided to spend his life with." She smiles and starts to cry. "Can you ever forgive me sweetheart?" She nods. She then grabs my hand and Rhea's and puts it on top of Emma's. She puts her hand on top and smiles. "I have the best family in the entire world, please Killian tell your sister that I love her." I nod. She smiles and lets out her last breath. I shake her. "Mom, mom, please..." I hug her as I burst into more tears. Rhea goes and cries on Emma's shoulder. The doctors and the security guards all bowed their heads. I look back at Emma and she's just caressing Rhea. Even though she hurt me and my family, she was my family, she was my mother. Boy was my heart hurting. One of the doctors brings a gurney. I get up and I place her body on the gurney. They take her away and we are all standing there. Hours pass by and we are in the drawing room still processing everything that just happened. I called Karen and she was devastated, she is already on her way over here. She had no clue what my mother did with Rhea. She had actually gotten married so that's why she wasn't aware. Emma and Rhea are sitting down, and I'm just pacing back and forth. The prime minister along with the lawyers walk in. "I'm so sorry for your loss." I nod. "The law clearly states that the first born has the right to take over the throne." I gasp. "Me?" He nods. "Well there is another thing, in the case that the first born is unfitting the first grandchild also has the right." I gasp. Rhea gets up. She walks over to us. "What if none of us accepts?" They stay quiet. "Then you lose your estate, and the power goes back to Queen of all this country." We both nod. I don't even know how to be a king; I mean I can't be a ruler. I left this life a long time ago. Rhea walks up and smiles. "I'll take over." I gasp. "Rhea you're too young to be a ruler, I mean..." She smiles. "I would love to go back home but you and I both know things can't go back to how they used to be, the people I love think I'm dead. It's best to stay here and besides during the time I was staying here, grandma showed me how to run the estate and be a leader and a queen." I smile. Emma walks up to us. "Is this what you truly want?" Rhea nods. "Of course you will not be able to fully be queen until your 21, you will be under the authority of the parliament but you will still have the most power out of everyone." We look at the prime minister and nod. He takes out a book and asks Rhea to place her hand on top of it. "We will have a ceremony to announce your reign after the funeral but this needs to take place before." Rhea nods. "Do you solemnly swear, to govern this great kingdom with compassion, love, and justice?" Rhea nods. "I do solemnly swear." He nods. "As of right now you are indeed the sole ruler of Birmingham, congratulations your majesty." He bows. Rhea looks back at Emma and I and we both bow. She is standing there in shock. Everyone else bows and she's still standing there shocked. The minster continues to tell her some other stuff and I continue to hug Emma. "It seems that our Rhea was royalty after all?" Emma nods. "I'm sorry again about your mother love." I nod. "Its ok, my mother was, she was just hurt and..." She hugs me tighter and I smile. "I can't wait to tell the kids that their sister is alive." I nod. Rhea looks back and we both smile and wave. "Look at our baby girl Killian, she's going to be a queen." I nod. I lean down and kiss Emma. After we let go, she gives me a weird look. "What was that for?" I smile. "I love you." She smiles and blushes. "I love you too." I smile and hug her.

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