Welcome to the Family

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The long awaited day finally arrived. I am in the medical center of the palace awaiting the arrival of our dear prince. I am in so much pain that I can probably kill people with my screams.

Tyler is at my side being my support. I love him to death but at this moment I wish I could kill him. "You're doing great Rhea." He says and I scoff. "You will pay Tyler, I am in this position because of you." I say and he laughs. "Oh my God Rhea." He says and wipes the sweat from my forehead.

My mom walks up to me and smiles. "You're doing a good job sweetie." I smile and that's when I scream from another contraction. "Oh my little prince please be nice to mommy." I say caressing my belly. "Ok it's time to push," the doctor says and I nod. I grabbed Tyler's hand.

"I'm here my love." He says and I smile. "Ok push," he says and I push with all of my might as I scream from the top of my lungs. That's when I leaned back. "Ok he's almost here your majesty." He says. I nod. "One more push and he's here." He says and I nod.

Tyler gives me a kiss on my forehead. "One more push and we will meet our little one my love." He says and I nod. "Ok push." He says and I again push with all of my might and screamed. That's when I hear a cry and I leaned back in relief. I started to cry myself.

Tyler smiles and places his forehead against mine. "You did it love." He says and I smile with tears in my eyes. The doctor goes and checks him and after a couple of minutes he wraps him in a blue blanket and hands him to me.

I immediately fell in love. "Welcome to the family my little one." I say and he buries his face in my chest. My was in love. That's when Tyler walks over to me and is smiling like crazy. "Look baby, daddy's here." I say and he goes and kisses him on the forehead. I couldn't help but smile. My mom walks up to me and is crying tears of joy. "My little grandson." She says and I smile.

"How about you come and show some love to your favorite grandma?" She says and that's when I hear Regina chuckling. "Excuse me?" She says and we all laugh. "Everyone knows I will be his favorite grandma." I couldn't help but laugh. Tyler sits next to me and smiles.

That's when my dad and siblings walked in. They were all hovering over my mom who had our little boy in her arms. "Love what shall we name him?" I smile. "How about Uzi?" He smiled. "Because he is our strength." His face softened. "That he is." He leans down and gives me a kiss.

"I love you so much your majesty." He says and I smile. "I know you do." He chuckles. "Hey I have to give you a hard time, I wasn't lying when I said this was your fault." He shakes his head. "Oh you are indeed a handful." He says and I laugh. "But I wouldn't have it any other way." I smile and leaned against him.

That's when my mom comes and brings me Uzi. "So what will you name him?" I looked at Tyler and smiled. "Uzi, because he is our strength." Everyone smiled. "That is beautiful." My mother said with tears in her eyes. I looked at Regina and she was crying as well.

"I think it's time we leave the new parents alone for a little bit." My mom says and everyone walks out. The doctor finished checking me and I am escorted to my room.
I am laying there with Tyler who is holding Uzi in his arms.

I am observing them and my did he look so attractive. That's when he starts to cry. I gave him a concerned look. I sat up and groaned. "Tyler what's wrong?" I ask. He looks up and smiles. He walks over to me and places him on my chest. He then sits at my side and sighs.

"I never thought I was going to become a father nevertheless have a family." I smile. I caress his cheek and gave him a soft kiss. "I just look at our son and I can't help but be a bit frightened." I gave him a confused look. "Frightened, why?" He sighs.

"What if Im not a good father to our son, I mean I did so many bad things...." That's when I interrupt him with a kiss. He groans at first but melts into my lips. He then smiles when we let go. "Man I love it when you do that." I smile. "Tyler you will be an amazing father, I know and plus you've changed." He smiles.

"I'm scared too but together and with the help of our family, we will raise our little Uzi to be a good man." He smiles. That's when Uzi let out a little laugh then smiled. I couldn't help but melt. He smiles. "I am beyond blessed." He says and I smile. "Who knew that I was going to fall in love with the queen of Birmingham, who happens to be American."

I scoff. "Hey!" He laughs. "But like I said before I wouldn't have it any other way." I smiled. "Nice answer." He smiles. And we both sat there staring at our son and ignored the rest of the world.

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