A Hard Decision

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The opening was great, the orphans loved the new orphanage. That only warmed my heart even more. Of course the children loved Tyler, he easily won them over with his kindness. It was a long day so all I wanted to do was to rest.

I walk back into my room and I quickly changed into my night wear. That's when I hear a knock. "Come in." I say. In walks my mother. "Just wanted to wish you a good night sweetie." I smile. She walks up to me and gives me a kiss on my forehead. "Thanks." She starts to walk away and I grab her hand. "Mom, I love you."

She smiles. "I love you too my Rhea." I smile and she walks out. Even though I'm the queen of this land I act like a little girl when my parents say that they love me. I laid down and as soon as I close my eyes my phone goes off. I look at it and it's Tyler. What the heck? I answer.


"Hey there you're majesty, just wanted to know if you would like to go out on a little adventure with me?" He says.

I laugh. "It's late Tyler and you know I can't go out this late at night without my body guards."

He laughs. "Yes you can, the guards are not outside your room."

"What do you mean?"

"Rhea go look out the window."

I walked over to the window and opened it.
As soon as I look down I see Tyler with two bikes.

"You're crazy."

"Come on there are no guards, just us, it can't be all work. You deserve this after a long day."

I stood there hesitant whether or not I should go with him. I mean I am the queen I can do whatever the hell I want. Although I'm not a teenager anymore I can't go out like this.

I sigh. "Tyler..."

"Come on Rhea, it will be fun I promise and no one will know about it."

"Ok just give me a second."

"Of course your majesty."

I put my phone down and I changed into a t shirt and Jeans. It had been years since I've worn such comfortable clothing. I grabbed a shawl and started to climb out the window. I walk down the brick wall and I made it to the bottom.

I quickly run to him and he gasps. "Are you wearing American clothing?" I nod. "Yes." He smiles and hands me one of the bikes. "Just follow me." I nod. We get on the bikes and went on our way. "Where are we going?" He smiles. "It's a surprise." I pout.

After 10 minutes cycling we get to a cave. "Ok we have to walk from here." I nod. We get off the bikes and walked into the cave. After a couple of minutes walking through the cave we made it to the end. As soon as I take a look at what's at the end my eyes shot open. It looked like it was day time. There was a beautiful water fall with a pool of water at the end. And on the left side a small cottage.

Tyler smiles. "You like it?" I nod. "It's beautiful." He smiles. "I'm glad you liked it your majesty." I laugh. "I'm not the queen right now I am simply Rhea Jones." He smiles. "I like the sound of that." I smile. "How about we go for a little swim then eat a late night snack?" "I like the sound of that." He nods.

We jumped into the pool and went for a nice swim. Then we went into the cottage and we ate a little snack. Man this was a perfect way to end the day. "Did you have fun Rhea?" I smiled. "I did, it feels good you know not being the queen for a change." That's when I sigh. "What's wrong?" "It's just this is how I would be living if I had gone back to America." He nods.

"Well I'm glad you didn't because if you had left then I never would have met you." I blushed like crazy. He pours some more champagne into a glass and hands it to me. We clink our glasses and drink it. We then sat there just staring at each other. He walks over to me and is scanning my face. "How about we go and have some more fun?" He asks with a huge smirk.

"Like what?" He smiles. "Can't say, follow me." I give him a weird look then nod. He pulls my arm and walks me to the bedroom. The whole room was decorated beautifully. Was this his plan all along to sleep with me? I give Tyler a weird look. "You want me to sleep with you?" He shakes his head. "No I want to make love to you." I gasp. "You're not a little girl Rhea, you are a grown woman." I smile. He then presses his lips against mine and we start to kiss.

My were his kisses passionate. He pushes me on the bed and continues to kiss me. I couldn't handle how much I wanted him, how much my body desired to be with his. He then sits up and takes off his shirt. I smile. He smiles back. I could not believe what I am about to do. I am about to make love with a man I am truly in love with, Tyler.

Tyler's POV
I take off my shirt and look down at Rhea. Her eyes shot open at the sight of me shirtless. My how I desired her. She starts to take off her clothes and I take the rest of mine off as well. Not going to lie but I was nervous. I knew this was going to be Rhea's first and last time.

I was hesitant on killing her here. She doesn't deserve to die but I need to seek vengeance for my family. As we continued to make love to one another I stop Rhea. I sit up and it hit me that I have to kill her now. "Are you enjoying it Rhea?" She smiles. "Yes you are amazing, I mean I'm still trying to catch my breath." I smile. "Close your eyes Rhea." She gives me a confused look. "Ok?" She says and closes them. I grab the dagger that I had hidden in between the mattress. I start to caress her chest and she smiles.

I point my dagger towards her heart and I push the dagger down and I stop at about an inch from her heart. I stood there with my hand shaking. I could not do this, I can't kill Rhea, I loved her. I tried once again to stab her but I couldn't. A tear rolled down my face and I hid the dagger back in between the mattress.

I look down at Rhea and she still had her eyes closed. I couldn't believe that I was about to kill her. I felt so guilty for trying to do this horrible act. I sat there not knowing what to do. That's when Rhea starts to caress my chest. She opens her eyes and flips me over. She sits on my lap and caresses my chest.

"How about I surprise you?" I gave her a weird look. "But Rhea.." She shushes me. "It's my turn." I couldn't help but smile. She was too perfect and seeing her like this made me go crazy. She starts to kiss me but I managed to get the dagger and point it towards her back.

She then starts to work me like magic, and I couldn't help it. She was driving me mad. I hid the dagger again and focused on her. "Oh God Rhea." I breathed out trying to contain the enormous amount of pleasure that I was feeling.

She leans down and starts to kiss me. I couldn't help it, she had me hooked. I knew at this moment I was completely hers and not even my mother could get in between Rhea and I.

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