The Secret Revealed

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Earlier that day

Tyler's POV
It's been fours weeks and I'm going crazy. There's no news of Rhea. I don't know where the hell my mother could have taken her. I'm walking around the gazebo area of the palace as Emma is just sitting there looking over an agenda.

It bugged the hell out of me that I had no clue and that's when it hit me. The only place that she could have taken her was the secret place where I took Rhea to. I sighed when I looked at Emma. I have to tell her everything, it's not going to be pretty but I sure hope she can forgive me.

"Hey Emma?" I said as I walked nervously as can be up to her. "Yeah Tyler what's up?" I sighed. "I know where my mom took Rhea." She smiled. "Yes, where?" I smiled. "It's a place not far from here, hidden within a cave. Inside the cave there is a waterfall, with a small lagoon and a cottage on the shore." She gasps.

"Tyler how do you know?" I sighed. "Because I took her there before." She gasps. "I hope you forgive me but what I'm going to tell you is not going to be pretty." She gives me a weird look. "I am not proud of what I did, well I am proud for one thing but not for the other."

"Tyler you aren't making any sense." I sigh. That's when Killian walks up to us. "Care to explain to me what the hell is this Tyler?" Killian says as he throws some pictures at me. I gave him a weird look. I picked them up and gasped. They were pictures of Rhea and I when we were in bed together. And there's one where I had the dagger behind Rhea's back, when I was going to stab her. This was the last thing I needed.

I closed my eyes and sighed. "Please Killian I can explain, it's not what it looks like." He grabs me by the collar and slams me against the wall of the gazebo. "You slept with my daughter then I see that you were going to kill her?" He screams out. I sighed. "Tyler what is this?" Emma says with tears in her eyes.

"Please..." Killian is furious as can be. "Yes I did sleep with Rhea.." He gasps and punches me. "How dare you Tyler, how could you?" I nod. "I'm sorry." I lean back against the wall and spit some blood. "Ok well, just know that I have changed you both know that." They stood there quietly. I sigh. "Ok as you know my mother wanted vengeance right?" They nod.

"Well all my life I was told that you ruined our lives and I grew up with all that and my mother filled my heart with darkness and the lust to seek revenge." Both Emma and Killian stood there listening. "After meeting Rhea, and all of you I thought that seeking revenge was pointless." They nod.

"Well with no luck of changing my mom's mind about not seeking revenge, she thought of a plan to kill Rhea." They gasp. "At first I was on board but then I fell in love with Rhea." They gasp. "Yeah her plan was for me to romance her and then when...." I gulped as I closed my eyes. My heart was legit breaking as I was thinking about what I was going to say. "When we were in bed together I was to stab her through the back." They gasp.

"You bloody dirt bag." Killian said and punched me again. I gasped. "I'm sorry Killian, Emma, but hey I didn't do it, I didn't have the heart to do it." Killian grabbed me by the collar again and snarled. "How could you do that to my little girl, not only did you seduce her you tried to kill her." He said and punched me again. I fell to the ground and nodded. I deserve to be punched.

Killian picked me up. "I trusted you Tyler, and now because of you..." He screams and punches me again. "Now because of you my daughter is out there with your mother..." He screams out and punches me. I gasp. "I know where she is...." I say but I'm interrupted by another punch.

I was honestly in extreme pain but I deserved it. "Killian, please stop..." Emma screams out trying to pull Killian away from me. He pushes her away and he continues to hit me. With every punch I was receiving I felt like a bit of my life was being sucked out of me. I deserved every punch, I honestly deserved to die.

"Killian Jones you can't kill him." Emma screams out. Killian chuckles. "Watch me." Emma covers her face then Killian hits me once more. I spit blood and he has his hand around my throat. "First of all you're not a killer." Emma says and Killian chuckles and ignores her. I grab on to Killian's hand and start to gasp for air.

"Killian Jones you cannot kill the father of your future grand child." Killian let's me go and I fall to the ground. He gasps. "What did you say Emma?" He says. I regain my thoughts and that's when it hit me. Was it true what Emma had said? "Emma what the bloody hell are you talking about?" Killian asks. She sighs.

"The Day she got kidnapped she had gone to get an ultra sound done and they told her that she was 3 weeks pregnant." Killian and I gasp. He gives me a death glare. "You got my daughter pregnant?" I stood there still in shock. "I didn't know, I swear." Emma nods.

"He's telling the truth, Rhea found out after he got kidnapped." I couldn't believe what was happening, I'm a father. Emma takes out the ultra sound and hands it to Killian. He smiles. "Oh my.." I stood there still baffled. "Killian, Tyler didn't deserve this, he was yet another pawn that Regina used." I sighed.

"Killian, Tyler was about to tell me where Rhea is at." He gasps then looks at me. "You were?" I nod. I sit at the bench and I'm hurting all over. Killian sighs. "Tyler I am so sorry." I half smile. "I deserved it." He then hands me the ultra sound. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I started to tear up, I'm going to have a little one.

Emma walks over to me and smiles. "The baby must be a bit bigger now." I nod. "Emma, Killian can you forgive me?" Killian sighs. "No can you forgive me Tyler?" I half smile and nod. "I was a dirt bag, you have shown you've changed and here I am hitting you." I nod. "Its understandable." He nods. "There's nothing to forgive." Emma says with a smile.

That's when it hit me, I get up. "We have to go get Rhea." I start to run to the place and Killian and Emma followed right behind. After a couple of minutes we get there. I am in shock at what I see. I see my mom about to kill Rhea and Rhea is caressing her belly.

"Mom, stop." I yell out and they both look my way. "Son, what are you doing here?" She says. I gasp when I take a good look at Rhea. She was as bloody and bruised as I was. What the hell did she do to her?

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