Meeting Someone Unexpected

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It's been a couple of months since Rhea has officially been crowned queen and life couldn't get any better. Rhea is the noblest of rulers and I'm not saying that because she's my daughter. The people here adore her. Today was a routine day. The twins were in school, Killian was working with the security, and I was with Rhea helping her get ready. Rhea is supposed to go to the throne room and talk to some of the people who are having problems in their houses or villages. It's a good way to meet and tend to her subjects. She quickly goes to the throne room and starts to hear the problems and needs of the people. After a couple of hours of sitting and listening someone in a black cloak walks up to her. The person bows. "Your majesty it's so good to see you." Rhea nods. "What is your trouble my dear friend?" Rhea asks. I couldn't help but feel weird. Who was this mysterious person? "I would like to give you a gift your majesty." I gave the person a weird look. I start to get close to Rhea because I was getting a bad vibe. "Honey I think we should go." Rhea shakes her head. "Once I'm done here we will go." She says and I sigh. The person gets up takes off his cloak. It was a young man close to Rhea's age. He quickly takes out a gun and points it at Rhea. The guards point at him with their guns. "The real ruler of Birmingham sends her regards." He says and shoots the gun two times. In a split second I get in front of Rhea. The bullets hit my shoulder. I look back and the man in the black cloak had disappeared. I was in extreme pain but happy that Rhea was alive. Killian comes rushing and lifts me up. They take me downstairs to the clinic we have here to get the bullets out. Killian places me on the bed and is furious. "Rhea honey what happened?" Rhea was shocked. "I was greeting the subjects and this man in a black hood walks up to me and pointed at me with his gun and said that the real ruler of Birmingham sends her regards." Killian's eyes shot open. I groaned as they were taking the bullets out. "Do you know something about this Love?" He closes his eyes and nods. "Yes, my mother had many enemies here but there was one who hated her the most her the most, her best friend Cora." I gave him a baffled look. "More secrets about your mother?" He sighs and nods. I sigh as I leaned back. "Yes, my grandmother took her in and basically raised Cora as her daughter along with my mother, Clara. It so happened that my father was engaged to Cora and was going to be queen but he fell for my mother so he left Cora and married my mother." Rhea and I gasped. "She swore to seek revenge on our family for humiliating her." I gasp. "I'm pretty sure she's long gone but she had a daughter named Regina. I'm pretty sure that's the person that man was talking about." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I thought we were done with dealing with bad guys and all that. I thought we had suffered enough with Flora and Clara and now we have someone else to worry about. Killian sighs as he walks over to me. "I'm sorry my love for this." I nod as they wrapped my shoulder. "Its ok im just happy that Rhea is ok." Rhea smiles. "Thanks mom." I smile. "Well now we will have to double up on security to make sure no one gets near Rhea." Killian says. I nod. He sighs. "I guess we will have to go and visit our dear family friend Regina Mills." Killian said and we all nodded.

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