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It's been a week since Uzi's been born and let me tell you the whole palace loves having a new born around. I want to spend every second of the day with him but I can't I'm the queen and I have to be everywhere. I'm in my office writing some letters and that's when I hear a knock on the door. "Yes?" I say and I see Tyler with Uzi.

I drop everything and ran up to them. I grabbed Uzi and gave Tyler a kiss. "We thought mommy could use a break and because..." That's when Uzi starts to move his little mouth around my chest looking for milk. "Because someone's hungry." I say and Tyler nods.

I smile and sit back down. "He's been fussy huh?" Tyler nods. "When was the last time he ate?" I say fixing myself so I can feed Uzi. He smiles. "Not long ago." I nod. I'm trying to get Uzi to latch on but he doesn't. "Uzi love come on." I say and he starts to cry. "I know you're hungry my love, here here." I say trying to get him to latch on again and he finally does. I sighed as I sat back. "There you go my little one," I say as he's all relaxed drinking milk.

"You good love?" Tyler asks. I nod. He walks up to me and gives me a kiss. "Isn't our son handsome?" I nod. "He takes after his Dad that's why." I say and smile. "I love you." He says and smiles. "I love you too." That's when we hear a knock. "Yes?" I say and in walks my mom and Regina. "Sweetie we want to know how you're..." I laugh. "You mean you want to know if the baby is ok?" They both laugh.

"It seems that we have been replaced your majesty." Tyler says and I nod. "Sad isn't it?" I say and he nods. "Once Uzi is done eating and I burp him I will give him to you guys." I say and they both nod. After 10 minutes Uzi finishes and I start to pat his back. After a couple of minutes he burps. "Good job my little prince." I say and he smiles. We all melt at the sight of that.

"Now let's see who do you want to go with Grandma Em or Grandma Gina?" I ask. They both walk over wanting to fight over the baby. Tyler laughs. "Who got him last time?" Tyler asks. Regina sighs. "I did," she says and my mom smiles. She walks up to me and I hand her the baby. "That's right come with your favorite grandma." She says and Regina scoffs.

"Whatever, he knows I am." She says. My mom walks away along with Regina. Tyler closes the door and locks it. I fix my shirt and sat back. I grabbed my pen and continued to write. Tyler sits in the chair and smiles. I look up at him and laughed. "Why you all smiling?" "I was thinking about our wedding." I smile as I finished writing a letter.

"Really?" He smiles and walks over to me. He starts to kiss my neck and I smile. "Well you know that by marrying me, you will have a lot more responsibilities right?" He nods. "Yeah." He says and I laugh. "Like being in charge of the police force in our kingdom." He gasps. "So I have to work with your dad huh?" I grin. "Yup you're going to work with your father in law." He shakes his head. "Oh yippee." I chuckle.

"Don't worry he gave you his blessing to marry me so that means he likes you." He nods. "I guess." I nod. "So what we will be doing today?" I sigh. "Well Wendy is scheduling everything for the wedding and I just finished the last of the business letters so I'm done for the day." He smiles. "Then how about we spend the day together, you, me and the baby." I smile.

"I like the sound of that," I say and he smiles. "You're going to have to fight my mom for Uzi." I say and he smiles. "As long as your father doesn't have him I'll be good." He says and I laugh. "Come on." I say and he nods. I get up and we made our way to the nursery. As soon as we walked in I see my dad holding Uzi. I laughed and looked at Tyler. "All yours love." I say and he laughs.

"He would have the baby." He says and I walk up to my dad. "Look little one your mommy is here." He says and I smile. I go and kiss my dads forehead. "How you doing daddy?" He smiles. "Good." He says and laughs. "Daddy can I hold Uzi?" He nods and hands me the baby. "Where y'all going?" Tyler and I smile. "A little family outing." He smiles. "Well have fun you two and Tyler I expect you to be at my place early tomorrow morning you hear?" Tyler nods. "Yes sir." He says and I chuckle.

We make our way outside and we were just walking and enjoying our time together. I would look up at Tyler and he was already looking at Uzi and I. He went and hugged me. "I love my family." I smiled. "Never would have imagined I would fall in love with a person who tried to kill me." I said and laughed. "Hey you know that wasn't my fault." I laugh. "I know." He smiles. "Well hey that's how you know it's true love." I nod.

We sat by the old back entrance of the palace as Uzi was dozing off in my arms. "I can't believe that I'm going to marry an American in exactly 3 months." He says and I scoff. "Hey!" He laughs. "Please it is in an honor that you get to marry an American." He laughs. "Sure." He says under his breath. "Keep it up Mills and you will be punished." He gives me a smirk.

"What will my punishment be?" He asks as he scans my face insinuating something romantic. I chuckle. "I can assure you it isn't what you have in mind." I say and laugh. "Oh you joy killer." He says and I laugh. He hugs me and gives me a kiss on my forehead. "I am so happy that finally we are all United as one big happy family, nothing can ruin this moment." He says and I nod. "Yes, we are indeed blessed my love." He smiles.

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