Heartbroken Once Again

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My was my heart broken. I can't believe that they persuaded her to hate me. They made my daughter practically hate me. That's the worst thing Clara has done to me. I'm so pissed that she did all this. I go and sit in the nearby garden where there was an entrance to the sea. I sat there and just pondered on everything. Even though I've suffered, ever since I met Killian my life has been great and ever since I had Rhea and the twins my life became better than great. If my Rhea is happy here than who am I to take her away. I would rather see her alive, see her breathing than to see her dead as we thought we saw her a couple of months ago. I don't even blame my poor baby, Clara convinced her that we were dead and continued on with her life, that's what we did when she convinced us that Rhea was dead. That's when my phone goes off and I look at the screen and it's my sister. I sigh and answer. I put it on speaker and put the phone on my leg. "Was it Rhea?" "Yes it was, she is so beautiful and I'm so thankful that she's alive." "Oh that's great, I'm so happy." I nod. "Even though she's been gone for almost 8 months she looks more beautiful than ever Janet." "I'm so happy sis." I nod. "Sis I have to let you go, Killian and I have something to do." "Ok can't wait to see Rhea." I nod and hang up. "Why didn't you tell her all the bad stuff I told you?" I gasp and get up. "Rhea what are you doing here, I thought you wanted to stay?" She sighs. "I'm sorry mom for everything that I did and said to you." I sigh. "Mom I didn't know what my grandma did and planted a body to look like me and.." "It's ok sweetie it's pretty convincing what she did, there's no need to apologize." She sighs and starts to cry. She grabs my hand and places the necklace on it. "You aren't the woman who raised me, you're the mother who raised me and is still raising me." I half smile. "Sweetie, seeing what I thought was you floating in that pool killed me, especially when I saw the necklace. I felt like my whole world fell apart and so did your father. Your father cried so much." She gasps. "Dad never cries." I nod. "All I want is for you to be happy, I didn't think your grandmother would stoop down so low and do this to me and to you." She sighs. "I'm sorry mother please forgive me, I want to come home with you and the twins, and everyone else." I smile. "Is that what you truly want?" She nods. "Sure it was nice to be a princess but I think it's time I go back to California to my real kingdom, the kingdom of So Cal." I smiled and hugged her. "I love you so much sweetie, I can't wait for your brother and sister to see you." She smiles. We walk back to the palace and we see a bunch of medical people running to the backyard. We both gasped and ran back there.

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