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I've been learning his MO and I finally have a place where I'm pretty sure he will steal from next. It has Killian Jones written all over it. Ive tried to catch him several times before and had no luck but I know that today is the day that I will bring him in. It's 1 in the morning and I get to the house. I look around the outside of the house and everything seemed to be normal. I look up and one of the windows is open. I smiled. I knew it, he is here. I climbed the brick wall and made my way inside the house. I tip toed around the house so he wouldn't hear me. The house was empty, the owners are on vacation so it's just Killian and I inside the house. I hear a noise and I run to the office and it's empty. All the valuables are gone. I gasp. All the paintings and jewels that this person had were gone but for some odd reason it didn't look like a clean robbery. There was a mess everywhere. I look around and I found a note. "Nice try beautiful, maybe you'll have better luck next time." I crumple it up and put it in my pocket. I was enraged, he knows I've been after him. I walk out to the balcony and I see him walking away but with nothing in his hands, I thought that was odd. "FBI, stop right there." I scream. He turns around and laughs. "Nice try beautiful." He waves at me then disappears into the night. "No!" I screamed with all of my might. I scowled and hit the rail. This cannot happen a fourth time. I just can't catch him, he's good but not that good. I walked back into the house and left everything as is and locked the window and door. I just waited for the call from security saying that the stuff has been stolen. I went back home and I just wanted to scream. I had to figure out a way to beat him at his own game. I fell asleep and around 8 am I get the call. But to my surprise it wasn't just to let me know about the robbery but there's a dead body at the house. How odd when I was there a couple of hours ago there's was no one in the house. I drive back to the house and the whole house was filled with people from the lab. I walk into the house and in the middle of the living room there was a burned body. I gasp. I was just here and the body wasn't here but of course no one knows that I was here. The profiler and I are called into the office to check some stuff out. "Knowing that stuff is missing and that this is basically a family of wealth, it totally falls into Killian Jones' profile." I gave David the profiler an annoyed look. "It might but he does not kill, we don't even know who's the person that's there." He chuckles. "How do you know?" "I've been working on finding him and I know he doesn't kill, it's not his style." He gives me a smirk. "It seems he changed his style." He says in a mocking tone. I scoff. "David I know how Killian works and this is sloppy, his robberies are clean and like I said he doesn't kill." "Well let's see what the evidence says." I nod. The forensics team take a look at everything and take the body and all the evidence to their lab to be analyzed. I decided to just go back to the office, I mean I can't do anything else until the evidence comes in and proves that Killian is innocent. One thing I was certain and that was that he's a thief but not a killer. I drove back to the office and I get called into the director's office. "Emma why in the hell did you let this man escape?" I gave him a weird look. He turned around his computer screen and you could see me standing on the surveillance footage as I was standing in the balcony as I let Killian get away. "You were there and didn't do anything, why?" I stayed quiet. "I need your badge and gun, you're suspended." I gasp. "On what grounds?" "Well this isn't your first offense, you need some time off to reflect on your position here at the FBI." I scoff. I take out my badge and gun and leave it on the desk. "You are off the Killian Jones case and I will see you here in 6 months, you will be receiving your pay just with a $3-dollar reduction." I nod. "You're dismissed." I walk out and I am extremely pissed. I hate that just because I'm a woman they treat me as such. But I will prove them wrong. I will prove that Killian didn't do this and I will get him to help me. It's the only way but for now it's best if I leave the office before I go off on someone.

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