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I'm sitting on a chair tied up in a dark room. Not going to lie but I was freaking out. I had such an awesome night and next thing you know I'm being abducted from Roland's car in my very own neighborhood. I hear some footsteps and someone turns on a light that shines over me. I squint my eyes and I try to see who it is. After a couple of seconds my eyes adjusted to the light and I see that tall dark man again. He laughs. "My you are definitely a complete image of your father Rhea." I scoff. He slaps me. "Silence." I groan. That hurt like hell. He then goes and takes off the gag. "What do you want from me?" He smiles. "Oh sweetie I'm repaying your father for what he did to me." I gasp. "Leave my dad out of this." He laughs. "Oh that's sweet that the little girl cares for her daddy." I scoff and spit at him. He slaps me again. I groan. "You ruined my night." I scream. He laughs. "Well your father ruined my life." I sigh. "My father is a good and honest man." He laughs. "Your father isn't who he says he is; he wasn't always an FBI agent you know." I give him a weird look. "He killed my daughter and he will know how it feels like to lose one too." I gasp. He unties me from the chair and escorts me to a cell. He pushes me inside. "Make yourself at home princess because you're going to be living here from now on or not." I walk up to the bars. "My parents will come for me!" He laughs. "Keep dreaming sweetheart." I'm going crazy. I know my parents are from the FBI and surely people hate them for putting people behind bars but to kidnap me that's too far. I wonder what he meant that my dad ruined his life, and that he isn't who he says he is? My dad is a good and honest man. We don't even have family here besides my mom's step brother and her sister. I sat down on the floor and tried to stay calm. If I start to cry, I will lose it. No I trust my mom and dad. They are the best agents, I mean my dad is the top agent of the homicide division and my mom is the co director, of course they're going to find me. I lean against the wall and tried to distract myself by remembering my time at prom. I went and laid down the bed and tried to relax. As I was laying there someone comes and starts to choke me. I couldn't see that well who that person was. I was trying to push the person away but the person was stronger than me. That's when my vision stars to fade and I felt like my life was being sucked out of me. I couldn't breathe and in a matter of seconds my whole turns black.

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