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Grandma, Nicholas, my mom and I were in the back of the palace, in the garden just enjoying the morning. My grandma and mom were talking about who knows what while Nick and I were walking around just holding hands. That's when we bump into someone. "Rhea?" I stood there shocked not knowing what to do. It was my mom, well the woman who raised me. The one who I thought was dead and now she's here alive. She starts to cry and hugs me. "Oh my dear Rhea, my little girl I can't believe you're alive." I wanted to cry because I was so happy to see her because I honestly missed her but I don't know why but I felt weird. That's when I push her away. She was shocked. "How are you here I thought you were..." That's when my grandma and my real mom come up. "Emma what the hell are you doing here?" My grandma says. "I came back for my daughter Clara." My grandma scoffs. "She's not your daughter, Flora is her real mother." Emma laughs. "Flora is not her mother, I carried this beautiful young lady for 9 months, she's mine." They started to argue back and forth and I was just standing there confused and mad. Nick pulls me to the side and caresses my cheek. "Are you ok?" I shake my head. "No, Emma, my mom is here when my grandma said that she had died and my supposably real mother Flora is arguing with her and I don't know what to do." Emma walks up to me and smiles. She hugs me and caresses my head. "My sweet baby girl I thought you had disappeared from our lives." I back away and I give her a weird look. "How are you here?" She was about to speak and she sees me holding hands with Nick. "What is the meaning of this Rhea who is he?" I stood there nervously. "What about Roland, Rhea?" I stood quietly. "You don't need to answer that Rhea." My grandma says and Emma scoffs. "Mom how are you here?" She gives me a weird look. "What do you mean sweetie?" "Grandma told me that you died!" She gasps. "She did what?" She gives my grandma a mean look. "Yeah like she saved me from that man who kidnapped me and since Interpol said you all died in that accident they sent me here, because I wasn't 18 yet." She shakes her head. "How dare you Clara make up that story." She sighs. "I didn't know that you were still alive, Interpol told us that you all died in an accident." My mom shakes her head in disbelief. "Well I don't care what you say I came for my daughter and I'm not leaving without her." She grabs my hand and I let it go. "I can't go with you." She gasps. "Why sweetie, what happened?" I sigh and that's when I get mad. "How could you take me away from my real mother Emma, my dad was with Flora my real mother and you got in between them." The facial expression she gave me ripped through my soul, I could totally tell she was heart broken. "Rhea Marie, you are my daughter and I love you, this woman was married to your father when they were both children." "I don't even look like you!" I scream out. I could see a tear roll down her face. Everything that I was saying was hurting her. She touches her necklace and I see that it was the one I left behind with the man. How did my mom get it? I shook my head; my emotions were everywhere that I didn't have time to comprehend anything. "So this is your new home?" I look at Nick and smile. "I do miss you mom or Emma, and I'm happy to know that you're alive but this is my real home." She nods and was crying non stop. "So you forgot about Leia and Liam?" I shake my head. "No, I miss them so much." She smiles as she looks at my grandma. "You did it Clara; you finally took my little girl away from me." She says with her voice shaky as can be. My grandma half smiles. "Well sweetie I hope you're happy here with your grandma and your real mother." I don't know why but I felt so bad. Why was I not happy with her leaving? She goes and kisses my forehead and I just started to remember my time in America. "What the hell is going on here?" We all stood shocked and we turned around. I look and it's my dad. I run up to him and hug him. "Oh my sweet baby girl, I can't believe you're alive." He says the same thing as my mother did. I look over and my ex mom oh well Emma is smiling. "Are you ok?" I nod. He looks over at my ex mom and he gives her a weird look. "Love why are you crying?" She starts to walk away and he grabs her arm. "This is her new family now; she wants to live here." He scoffs. My mom smiles then takes off the necklace and hands it to me. "A gift so you can remember me, from the woman who raised you." She then walks away. My dad walks over to my grandma and my real mom. "What the hell did you two say to my daughter?" "You mean our daughter!" My real mother says. He looks at Flora and scoffs. "Emma is her real mother!" I go up to them. "Grandma told me that Flora is my real mom and you were married to her and until that woman over there got in between you guys and you left Flora." He closes his eyes not believing what I was saying. "What?" He got furious. "Did you tell that your mother?" I stayed quiet and nodded. He closes his eyes. "You shouldn't have said that sweetie." I stayed quiet. "You can't blame her son, she thought you guys were dead and made a life here, you can't take away that right!" My dad scoffs. "Yeah Interpol said you all died in an accident." "Rhea dear don't believe anything that my mother is saying, even though I love her she's just trying to take you away from us." I was so confused and didn't know who or what to believe. "Dad I love you all but..." "Look I didn't want to tell you this but we thought you were dead." I gasp. "What?" "After we got the video we were going crazy looking for you, when we went to the building you were at we found a body with all your clothes and when Angie did the facial reconstruction your profile came up." I gasp. "You guys thought I was dead?" I nod. "Mom thought that too?" My dad nods. "Why didn't she tell me?" My dad sighs. "She'll never push you, if you wanted to stay here she's going to let you." I stayed quiet. "We were devastated Rhea; your mom was the most affected. Leia cried so much at your funeral and didn't want to leave you. Liam's not talking Rhea." I gasp. "You know how he is, and once we told him you were gone he stopped talking." I gasp. "My brat isn't talking?" He nods. "See, we thought you died but your mother didn't want to accept it and we found you here." I shake my head. "I'm sorry sweetie but my mother planned all this." My grandma scoffs. "I did no such thing." "How could you say that dad, my grandma and Flora have been amazing and I mean dad how could you leave my mom like that." My dad shakes his head in disbelief. "Rhea honey, Emma had you and she almost died giving birth to you." I gasp. "She was in so much pain and it wasn't the normal labor pains, she had broken part of her pelvis before and it was risky to have you the normal way but you had the umbilical cord wrapped around your neck and you were in distress. You were too far down for the doctors to do a C-section but your mother didn't care, she would have rather her die than you." I tear rolled down my eye. "You don't think your mother loved you after she did that and continues to show love for you, do you think if you weren't her daughter she would love you as much as she does?" I start to cry. Nick grabs me and I smile. My dad gives him a stink eye. "Who are..." "Son I need you to leave, this is Rhea's home." He scoffs. "After everything you did how dare you say that to me?" They start to argue and that's when the man who kidnapped me walks up to us. "Rhea your father is telling you the truth." I back away and Nick held me. "Your grandma paid me to kidnap you and plant the body and the story of your family's death was made up." I gasp. "Flora isn't your mother, Emma is!" I stood there and I felt betrayed and I was so hurt. "How could you do that to me grandma?" "You are mine Rhea, no one else's your father didn't want to be with me and my other daughter doesn't want to be a queen and since you were my only grand daughter I had to make sure you were my heir." I shake my head. "Now I see why my father didn't like you!" She gasps. "Rhea, she's your grandma..." I put my hand up. "No dad she hurt me the most by pretending to be something she's not." I look at Nick. "Wait were you into it?" He stays quiet. "You knew?!!!" He nods. I slap him. "How dare you, I actually thought I liked and maybe even loved you!" He sighs. "Rhea I do love you, at first I was just in it for the throne but as we were spending time together I fell for you!" I scoff. "You're just like them, they're all pathetic Royals!" My dad gasps. "Now Rhea, please..." "No dad I can't stay calm, they have deceived me and I'm so heart broken." I start to cry. That's when my dad hugs me and I start to cry even more. That's when I gasp. I back away from my dad and I give him a weird look. "Dad, I hurt my mom so bad." He sighs. "Your mother loves you Rhea, you were our first blessing and never doubt her love for you. Don't believe the lies these two told you." I go and hug him. "I'm sorry dad..." He shakes his head and backs away. He lifts my chin and smiles. "It's ok sweetie but I think you owe your mother an apology." I nod and hug him. "I love you dad." He nods. I start to walk the other way and my grand mother grabs my arm. "Please Rhea stay." I pull away. "Look grandma I'm so disappointed that you lied to me and told me that my family was dead and you made Nick supposably fall in love with me, now I know why my dad didn't talk about his family." She gasps. I look at my dad and he sighs. I walk away and go looking for my mom.

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