Unexpected Turn of Events

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I hear the alarm go off and I push the button to turn it off. I groan. It's 8. Oh gosh I only had like 3 hours of sleep. I turn around and I see Killian there next to me sound asleep. I smile at the sight of that. I grabbed a towel and covered myself and walked to the bathroom. Last night was incredible; I mean Killian blew me away. I turned on the shower and got in. After a nice and refreshing shower I walked back to the room and Killian was still asleep. I laughed. I guess he's really tired from last night, well from earlier this morning. I walked up to him and kiss him and he smiles. "Good morning sleepy head." He groans. "It's time to wake up, if you need to take a shower there are towels in the bathroom, I'll be waiting for you downstairs." He nods. I shake my head and laugh. I walk downstairs and I start to cook some breakfast. I hear the shower running so that means he's awake. I continue to make breakfast and I'm flipping pancakes. I start to set the table and I start to whisk some eggs. That's when I feel someone hug me from behind. "What are you cooking love that it smells good?" I smile. "Oh you'll see." He kisses my neck and I laugh. "No not right now." He laughs. He grabs a cup and pours himself some coffee. I serve him a plate of food and he starts to eat as I finish the last round of pancakes. I then go and sit down across from him. "Anyways what I was trying to tell you last night was that I found out that Lola indeed has a twin sister and I think it's Lola's twin sister the one who died and Lola is still alive and is probably trying to frame you for the murder and robbery." He gasps. "If we catch Lola then that proves that I didn't murder her." I nod. He gets up and kisses me. "You never gave up Emma, thank you." I smile. "So now what we need to do is find a way to capture Lola." Killian nods. "I might have a way." "Really?" He nods. "I've worked with her before but it could have been her sister anyways I know there's a rich person who is out of the city and that's a perfect target for her." I nod. "During the day no one is home so right now would be the best time to steal." We finished our food and he showed me where the house is and everything. "Ok love, I'll meet you outside." I nod at Killian as he walks out the door. That's when I look outside and I see a bunch of FBI squad cars. I walked up to the door and I peaked through the door and I see Killian getting arrested. I gasp. "Where's Emma?" The director asks him. Killian clenched his jaw. "I want to know on what grounds are we being arrested for?" "Well you on suspicion for attempted murder and theft and Emma because she was working with you while she was on suspension." I gasp. I ran up to my room and tried my best to hide. I was hiding under my bed but I hid in between the comforter that I had under there. I hear them break down the door and they started to walk up the stairs. That's when they poked under the bed, I was panicking like crazy. They backed away and I hear them calling for the team to retreat because they couldn't find me. As soon as the coast was clear I crawled out from under the bed. My heart hurt, Killian got arrested when I finally found a way to prove his innocence. I walked down and I see the address on the dinning room table. I grabbed the note and the files and I drove over to the lab. I ran into the lab and everyone gasped when they saw me. Angie came running and she hugged me. "Sweetie, the FBI is looking for you, they already arrested Killian." I sigh. "I know I just came from my apartment and they arrested him from outside my apartment." They all gasped. "How did you escape?" I stood quiet and I hand her the file. "You need to go to the detention facility and show it to them." She nods. "And what will you be doing?" "Find the murder." I said and ran off.

Killian's POV
I couldn't believe that I got arrested, not even when I stole all those paintings and jewels did this happen to me. I was in the back seat of the squad car and I was furious. I look at the agent that was driving and I look around me. We were the only car around, there were no other squad cars around. I kick him in the head and he knocks out. I grabbed the wheel and pulled to the side. I look for some keys to get the cuffs off of me. I tied the agent and put him in the back seat. I was so going to get charged for attacking an agent but I would rather be charged with that then with murder. I make a U turn and I drove to the place where I'm sure Lola was at. As I get there I see Emma's car parked there. I knew she was going to be here. I walked up to the security system and it was disabled. I smiled. I look over to the side and I see Emma peaking through the window. "What are you doing?" She turns to me and gasps.

Emma's POV
"What are you doing?" I hear a voice say and I turn around and gasp. It was Killian. I walked up to Killian and I hug him. "How did you escape?" I ask as I caress the back of his head. "Don't worry about that." He says and we back away. I smile. "Are the owners home?" I shake my head. "Nope." I smile. "Is Lola in there?" I shrug. "Let's go find out." He says and smile. I nod. We walked to the house and looked around for the safe or where the valuables were kept at. We get to the office and sure enough there was Lola standing there putting jewels and money in a bag. She gasps when she sees us. "My my who do we have here?" Lola says and laughs. "Oh Killian honey, so good to see you." I'm standing there pointing my gun at her. "What are you doing? Why are you helping the FBI?" "Why did you frame me for your sister's murder?" She gasps. "How'd you figure it out?" Killian laughs. "Details details but I'm sorry I can't let you get away with this." She moves and I cock my gun. "Lola Perez you are under arrest for the murder of your twin sister Leslie and for stealing goods." She laughs as she takes out a gun. "Not if I shoot him first." I gasp. I run in front of Killian and she shoots. I glance over at Killian and the bullet hits my right shoulder. Killian screams. "Love are you ok?" I nod but I'm in extreme pain. "Oh so you're in love with her Killian, oh my gosh how sweet." She walks over to us and kicks the gun away from me and continues to point the gun at us. "Come on get up, I need to leave but I have to make sure you two won't follow me." Killian lifts me up and she pushes us towards a closet. She pushes us inside and locks it. "I'm sorry Emma." I shake my head and smile. "I couldn't let her kill you." Killian smiles. Lola opens the door and laughs. "Agent you're coming with me." Lola says as she grabs my arm and pulls me out. Killian chuckles. "No she isn't." She points the gun at his head. "Do it Lola, even after all we went through you think killing me is best then go for it." She laughs then pushes Killian back in and locks the door. She ties my hands up and pushes me with her gun. I am in so much pain due to the bullet wound. "You and I will go on a little trip but first..." She hits me on the head with the gun and I fall to the ground.

Killian's POV
I try to open the door but with no luck. Emma is super hurt and Lola just took her. Time passes by and I kept pushing the door so it could open but nothing. I kick the door down and I see Jerry, Emma's ex partner from the FBI. He points at me with his gun. "Killian Jones, put your hands up." I put my hands up. "Jerry, please we need to find Emma." "Where is she?" He asks still pointing his gun at me. "Look she came here because she wanted to prove my innocence, Lola is the killer." He scoffs. "How if she's dead?" "No she's alive it was her twin sister that died." He gets my hands and handcuffs me. "Damn it Jerry, I'm telling you the truth." He tightens them and I groan. "Fine arrest me but I need to go and save Emma, she's hurt." I look at the trail of blood and I gasp. "See Jerry, Lola shot Emma her in the shoulder and took her hostage." Jerry gasps as he looks at the trail of blood. "How do I know that it's not a trick?" I sigh. I look around and I see Emma's gun on the rug. "Look isn't that Emma's?" Jerry gets the gun and checks it. "It is." "Fine if you're not the killer why did you run?" I sigh. "Well the reason I ran was because first I'm not the killer and second, before you idiots came to arrest me I was going to come here and Emma knew so I knew I had to run to meet her here." He scoffs. "Fine but I'm doing this for Emma not you." He says as he takes the handcuffs off. I smiled. "That's fine by me." He nods. "Where do you think they might have gone?" I stood there thinking. "There's an abandoned airport where they do illegal trades and illegal flights I'm pretty sure they are there." He nods and we make our way to the airport.

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