New Chapter in Our Lives

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3 years later
Killian and I got married one month after he proposed to me. We only invited close family and friends so it wasn't a big wedding and could be planned with such little time. Killian didn't have any family here and I only had my sister and step brother and our friends from the lab and the FBI. I thought it was honestly perfect. 8 months after that our little Rhea came into the world. She's almost three now and she's the best thing that has ever happened to Killian and I. We love her dearly and our lives couldn't be any perfect. Along with her coming we moved into a two story house and our neighborhood was amazing, the park across the street was so beautiful and our neighbors are amazing people. Killian is still an FBI agent and I'm co director of the homicide division. I'm blessed at how my life has turned out and I wouldn't change it for the world. "Rhea, Killian it's breakfast time." I hear footsteps coming from the stairs and I see Rhea. "Coming mommy." I smile. "Where's your daddy?" "I don't know." I shake my head and serve Rhea a plate of scrambled eggs. "Sweetie after you eat go and brush your teeth then prepare your back pack for day care." She nods. I turn my back as I'm cooking. "Killian, you're going to be late, your flight leaves in one hour." I yell out and that's when I feel someone hug me from behind. "I'm going to have to grab a coffee love and I'll eat later." I shake my head. I turn around and I pour juice into Rhea's princess cup. He smiles. I give Rhea the juice. "Thank you mommy." I smile. Killian then goes and brings down his suitcase and then comes back to kitchen and gives Rhea a kiss on her forehead. "I'm going to miss you daddy." Killian smiles. "I will too princess, you be good ok?" Rhea nods. "Promise me you're going to be back soon?" Killian nods. "Now go finish your breakfast." She nods. I walk Killian to the door and he gives me one last kiss and my was it passionate. I could tell he didn't want to let go. "Love if we keep this up you're going to miss your flight." I say in between breaths. He laughs and continues to kiss me. I let go and caress his cheek. "Last night wasn't enough love?" He smiles. "Oh trust me it was a very satisfying goodbye." I blush. "I'm going to miss my girls." I smile. I hear the taxi honk. "Be careful ok, don't go and be a hero, we need you back home." He nods. He gives me one last kiss and makes his way to the taxi. He loads up his suitcase and gets in the taxi and it drives off. I sigh and closed the door. Even though he was going to be away for two weeks it will be hell for me. "Rhea go brush your teeth we are going to be late." Rhea nods and goes and brushes her teeth and prepares her backpack. I gather up all my things and Rhea comes. "All ready mommy." I smile. "Let's go sweetie." We walk over to the car and I strap her in. I got into the car and I drove to the day care center. I drop her off and I make my way to the office. I sit down and I start to go over the applications because I have to go and interview the new recruits.

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