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I walked into my apartment and I took off my boots. I went and took a long and hot bath. I was so furious and all I wanted to do was to relax. After an hour of letting the anger literally soak away I went and changed into some more comfortable clothes and sat down on the couch. I turned on the TV and just surfed through the channels. That's when I come across a commercial that showed a hotel that has many expensive things. I remembered the name and that's when a case comes back to my mind. This hotel is known for exploiting its workers above from having expensive things. Killian must be staying there. I changed into more decent clothes and I make my way to the hotel. I got up to the receptionist and smile. "What can I do for you?" "Hi I was wondering if this man has a reservation here?" I say as I hand her a picture of Killian. She looks at the picture and smiles. "Um I'm sorry I can't tell you, it's confidential." I pull out my FBI ID and she gasps. "Oh I'm sorry special agent." I nod and smile. "Oh yes he's in room 241." I smile as she hands me a key. "Can you please not tell anyone, and keep this on the down low, he's not in trouble, I'm actually an old friend." She smiles and nods. "Thanks." Even though I wasn't in the FBI right now I can still get away with some things. I make my way to his room. I was so happy because I am finally going to see him face to face and clear some things up. I unlock the door and walked in. As I walk in I look around and it's clean. Nothing. I closed the door and turned off the lights and sat on the chair next to the light and waited for Killian to arrive. An hour passes by and he walks in and makes his way towards the Bar. I take out my gun and I point it to him as I turn on the light. "I knew I was going to find you mister Jones." He looks my way and smiles. "Oh yes beautiful but that's because I let you." I chuckle. "By the looks of that gun and by what you're wearing is that you were taken off the case or you have no life and you're spending your free time looking for me." I raise my eyebrow and scoff. He smiles. "I'm strictly here for business." He lifts his eyebrow and nods. "You didn't steal the jewels from the Torres home did you?" He laughs as he pours some vodka into a glass. "What on earth are you talking about?" I smile. "You know they're blaming you for the burned body they found in that home." He walks over to me and hands me a glass. "Please love put the gun down, I can't enjoy my drink while you're pointing that at me." I put the gun down as I take a sip of the vodka. He smiles. "Do you think I killed that person?" I smile and look at him from head to toe. I shook my head. "You didn't, your robberies are clean and you don't leave any evidence and plus you don't kill." He lifts his eyebrow, almost as if I impressed him. "You know me so well love but I don't believe I know you." I laugh. "I can help clear your name if you help me figure out who did this." He sits down and laughs. "Now why would I help you beautiful?" I smiled. "Well you wouldn't want your reputation of the modern day Robin Hood to go down by some murder right?" He smiles at me and looks at me from head to toe and smirks. "What do you gain from all this?" I look away. "That's my business." He laughs and he takes another sip of his drink. "Oh love if we are going to be partners I'm going to need to know why." I take a sip and chuckle. "To prove to those idiots at the FBI that I'm just as good as any of them." He gasps. "How could such horrible men treat the lady wrong?" I gave him a weird look. He walked up to me and extended out his hand. I took out my hand to shake it and he grabs it and gives it a kiss. "So I guess we are partners." He stared at me and he had these gorgeous blue eyes that I couldn't help but be drawn too. I clear my throat and pull my hand away and nod. He smiles. "So what shall we do now?" I laugh. "We?" He nods. "I will go find out who the victim was and we will go on from there." He pouts. "Oh you are no fun love." I rolled my eyes. "I didn't say it was going to be fun love." I say emphasizing on the love. He laughs. "Fine then I guess I'll wait here on this bed for my beautiful partner to come back." I give him an exaggerated smile and he winks at me. I roll my eyes and I scoff. "You know Mister Jones you are quite the flirt." He smiles at me and I walk out the room. As soon as I walk out I bump into someone and I gasp at the sight of who that someone was. It was Jerry my ex partner from the FBI. He gave me a weird look. "Emma what are you doing here?" I started to panic and I wanted to let Killian know that someone from the FBI was here. "How are you Jerry, I didn't know that the FBI was still on this case." He gave me a weird look. "Emma I know you were on this case but it has fallen into my hands now so..." I stayed quiet. He pushed me to the side and tried to open the door. "No." He gave me a weird look. "Wait what are you doing, wait he's here huh?" I stayed quiet. He pushed open the door and walked right in. He started to check around. I smiled when I didn't see Killian in there. He must have heard me and escaped through the window. I stood there as Jerry walked around and that's when I see the glasses. Jerry goes to bathroom and I went and grabbed them and put them in my purse. "Where is he?" I gave him a confused look. "I don't know." He pushed me against the wall. "Stop hiding him, I know you were here with him." I scoff and push him away. "Sure I was looking for him but as soon as I got here I noticed no one was here so I just walked out." He scoffed. "I'm sorry Emma." I nod. "We're on the same team, you should think about trusting me." He nods. He walks out and leaves me there. I look out the window and look around and he's gone. I smile. I walk out of the room and then I pass by the reception and hand her the key. I walked to my car and I sat there and sighed. I turned on the car and drove away. "That was a close one." I jump and I see Killian in my rear view mirror. "How'd did you get into my car?" He smiles. "I have my ways." I shook my head. "So who was that guy back there, your boyfriend?" I chuckled. "Would it bother you if he was?" He laughed. "Oh it wouldn't trust me." I rolled my eyes. "He was my partner at FBI before I was taken off the homicide division." We stopped at a red light and he moved to the passenger seat. "Why did they take you off the division?" I stayed quiet. "Why do you care I thought criminals only care about themselves?" He laughed. "Who says I'm a criminal?" I laugh. "Well I'm not comfortable discussing my life with one." He laughs. "Well you just helped a so called criminal, so who's the criminal now?" I scoff. "I had been following a guy and once I caught him and put him behind bars he declared that I harassed him when he was the one who was sexually harassing me." He gasped. "And I forgot to read him his rights so..." He scoffs. "Are you serious?" I nod. "Ok so what if you forgot to read him his rights but how is it that they believed him and not you?" I shrug. "They always think that I'm not good enough because I'm a woman and I was assigned your case and when you escaped that night, I was asked to turn in my gun and badge." "I'm sorry." I laugh. "Eh you don't need to apologize." He smiles. We get to the lab. "I'll go and figure some things out, I'll meet you later Emma." I smile and I hand him a key to my apartment. "Meet me at my place if you want." He smiles at me. "You're trusting a criminal to go into your home, what if I steal something?" I laugh. "Well that criminal needs to find where I live and If you do steal I'll hunt you down mister Jones." He smirks. I laugh. "I gladly accept the challenge." I smile. We exit the car. I lock it and we parted ways. I didn't mind having him as a partner, he's pleasant to see so that was a plus. I know it's unethical or whatever but it's the only choice I have. Besides he can work under the law while I can find out stuff through the people at the lab. I walk into the lab and I walk into Angie's office. She smiles and hugs me. "Em I heard what happened, are you ok?" I hug her tightly and then I back away. "Yeah I'm fine, I'm just mad." She half smiles. "You want to know the face of the victim huh?" I smile. We walk up to her big screen and she pulls up the victim's face. "I haven't been able to find a hit but once I do I'll let you know." I smile. "Have they found how the victim died well besides the fire?" She laughs then shakes her head. "Nothing yet." I sigh. "Well thank you Angie." She gives me a weird look. "You found him, didn't you?" I stood quiet. "Found who?" "Killian Jones, you think he's innocent so you're helping him." I laugh. "No Angie you're crazy, why would I help a criminal?" She laughs. "Well take care, I'll let you know when I get a hit and when we have a cause of death." I smile. "Love you girl." I walk out and Khloe, the boss of the lab passes by. "Emma you know you can't be here when you're on suspension." I nod. "I know Khloe I just came here to talk to Angie." She squints her eyes. I smile nervously. "Oh you'll never change." She laughs and walks away. I walk over to the main lab and I talk to Jason the coroner. He smiles as he un zips the bag with the remains inside. "What are you doing snooping around Emma?" I grin. "Nothing." He laughs. "Oh Emma you know you're off the case, I can't say anything." I pout. "Oh come on, I'm just visiting my very good friends." He squints his eyes and I smile. "Ok Jason I'll leave." He smiles. "You know I don't mind but you know the rules." I nod. "I know." I walk away and I was so upset. I couldn't figure anything out. I drove home and decided to just make it a day. Once I get in I noticed someone was in my apartment. I see the person walk into the living room and I drop him to the floor and sit on top of him and point my dagger on his neck. He laughed. "My Emma already at third base when we haven't even had a proper date yet." I gasp. "Oh my gosh Killian, I am so sorry I thought you were a thief or something." I sat there and laughed. "No wait you are." "Very funny." He says and chuckles. I get off and I help him up. "How did it go?" I sigh as I sit down on the couch. "I had no luck whatsoever but Angie one of the girls who works at the lab said once she finds out the identity she will send me the info." Killian nods and sits down next to me. I get a notification and I see the picture and name. "Hey Killian do you know someone named Lola Perez?" He gasps. "That's who died?" I nod. "Did you know her?" He nods. "She was the one who helped me with several robberies to the elites." I gasp. He gets up. "Um I'll be back love, I need to go figure some stuff out." I nod. He walks out and closes the door. I just sat there baffled. The only thing was to wait for the cause of death.

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