chapter one

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You took in a breath.
It was a normal weekend, but nevertheless you were just happy that you weren't in school yet.

And heck you'd like it to stay like that

You were at the park with your friends and family.
Well to some, family was a hard word.

Monsters and humans still hadn't quite been on the best of terms.
It wasn't as bad as when they first arrived, but still the tension was fairly tough.

Despite that, you made your way back over to everyone.
They were either talking, or making Puns

They were either flat out ignoring the puns, or just trying their best not to slap the one making them

Finally you sat down and joined in the conversation.
"So when we planning to head out?" You said while looking at them

Toriel, or mom as you called her looked at you.
"We can head out soon if you wish." She gave you a calm smile.

You nodded and went back to making horrible puns with sans.

You had been home for a while.
And suprisingly, you were exhausted.

You yawned and stood up, you waddled over to the stairs, and at the moment in time, regreted saying you wanted the second floor.

But Instead of complaining, you mage your way up the stairs, and  to your room.
As soon as you opened your door, and landed on your bed, you passed out

It was dark.
So, so dark.
Everything was silent.
Nothing was there.
It was only you.

You couldn't move
Not an inch.
Your body refusing to even attempt to make a movement.

And even through the darkness, you saw something.
It was slowly making its way twords you.

You couldn't quite see it's face.
It was blurred out
And no matter on how much you tried to focus, it wouldn't.

But you had little time to even do that.
The figure rushed at you at inhumane speeds, and right when you were about to get hit.

You woke up.
A scream escaped your mouth as you fought the blankets off of you.

And finally,
You managed to make it.


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