chapter 36: better yet worse

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You felt your heart sink into your stomach you couldn't move. Your hand was shaking and your phone fell to the ground with a loud clacking noise following.

Sans looked down at you with worry in his eyes. You felt tears filling your eyes. You fell to your knees and cried.

Your body shaking and feeling like your soul was tearing apart. Sans rushed to you and attempted to shake you. You Just kept crying. He quickly picked up your phone and instantly his face went blank.

He put your phone in his pocket and picked you up and ran into the house.


You couldn't see, you vision was blurred with tears. And you felt your world falling apart.

You just cried. You wanted to stop and explain, but you couldn't.

That night was the hardest night you'd ever had. You found yourself fighting your own hand away from the reset button.

You hadn't stopped shaking, but didn't cry too much now.

You herd the door creak and felt children's hands attempting to pull you away from reset.

Your eyes grew blurry and you felt warm tears falling off your cheeks.

"Echo! No, don't do it!"

Those voices were fuzzy. You pulled your hand away slowly from reset.

"Echo?! (Y/N)!" His voice was now clear.

You faced Him. Your eyes were puffy and cheeks hot. He knew that something was wrong.

But he didn't ask, he handed you your phone and you read it.

C- hey (Y-N) they said that they caught in enough time, and can have surgery to remove what little bit is there before it spreads.

You felt reality coming back

You shakily texted her back

- You have no clue how worried I was. I thought I'd loose you.

You pushed send and that was that.

You closed your eyes and took a Shakey breath. You felt arms wrap around you. "hey echo, it's ok... she's fine right? You'll be ok."

You wrapped your arms around Asriel tightly and soaked his shirt in tears. 

"Asriel... i-i d-didnt me-mean t-to." you managed to say.

*Your no longer filled with

The next day you woke up tucked in your bed. You wiped your eyes, but when you did it stung.

You let out a breath and uncovered. You stood up wobbly and walked out the door.

There was quiet mumbling downstairs. But one voice stood out. It sounded like cassie.

You ran down the stairs and saw her sitting down talking to sans, while mom was talking to her parents you assumed. Everyone else was surrounded in a circle around the front of the couch listening to what you assumed were sans' puns.

"Cas?" Your voice was course. Even you could hardly hear it. But it seemed as she did

Her head turned and faxed you. You didn't hesitate to run to her.

You both collapsed into a hug, and either were quiet or tearing.

"Hey (Y/N) I got the surgery, it wasn't as bad ad I thought it'd be." She said while looking you in your eyes.

You shook your head and you both stood up.

"So uh I didn't realize you both were-" sans said while being cut if by paps.


Cassie giggled and you laughed.

A few hours maybe had passed and cassie had to go back just for safety, you grabbed a handful of chisps and went upstairs.

You felt better, but still wanted her to stay, but it was for the best.

You closed your door and sat down on your bed. With a sigh you grabbed A pencil and note book and found a blank page.

You didn't know what you were going to draw, but just did whatever.

You ended up making a picture of you the first time you fell. You smiled slightly and placed the book down.

You sighed and looked at your phone. You hadn't realized it cracked when it fell. It was too late to go back now though.

You took a step forward
But fell down

You picked yourself
Up off the ground

But when it came to you and me
I'd take the bullet with ease.

We'd fall and get up
And brush our pants

And so on until it ends.

We'd wave goodbye and carry on

But this isn't a song.

Nor a poem, or rap, just
A reality

With no maps.

No matter what we say
It'll all fade away.

Into a void of white and black

And then it'd echo

You felt those words play over and over in your mind. You didn't stop them because that's the only thing that kept your brain thinking about anything

So you let it replay in your mind.
Without a second thought.

You felt better. And worse. And at the same time


Your friend was alive. And you were happy now.

Ok, ok,ok how the heck did I actually hit 1K READS?! thank you a so much! I can't even right now! So I'll do a QnA as a little extra

What is my hair color: dirty blonde

What is my age: uhh...12....heh

What's my favorite game: now is this a question?

What's my favorite animal: horse

Height: 5'7 1/2 ( yes at 12)

Skin color: pale. (Yeah thanks Irish :3)

How long have I been on wattpad?   More that a year. I had a second channel, but lost it.

And finally (drum roll)

What do you look like?

Well I'll show you if this gets 10 stars... well at least 5. :P

But really thank you all so much for how much support this book is getting. O can't show enough love and thanks to you amazing people who are reading this. And just note that I will still update and put more details into it. I must say though, this book wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all of you. Thank you.

Word count: 1007

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