chapter 23: lost and found

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Her words echoed through your head. They were so true and so wrong. You did reset every time you'd make it out, and you'd go back out of pure selflessness. You had been awake for a couple hours and you couldn't shake those words.

You grunted and looked at the blank screen of the TV. The air conditioner cut on causing the room to fill with cold air. It sent a chill down your spine.

Your stomach grumbled considering you hadn't eaten since breakfast. You walked to the kitchen and looked for something. You found nothing that you wanted. You groaned and shut the door. "Sup kiddo?" Sans said while teleporting beside you. "I'm hungry but I don't want ketchup, pie, or spaghetti. "

"Well I can take ya to the store if ya want." "YES." you instantly grabbed his jacket. He shrugged and he teleported. You let go of his jacket and saw everyone from the store parking lot staring at sans. "What is there some kind of
Problem with him?" You yelled loud enough for them to hear.

"Nah it's ok kiddo, it's not really normal for a 'human' to teleport.'
You nodded and turned to face the store. "I can already taste the food." You said jokingly. "Then let's head in." He said while walking in front of you. "Hey!"


The store smelled like a store would smell, and the food selections were amazing. You saw sans staring down the condiments isle. "Sans you already have ketchup." You said while grabbing some ingredients.

"And you already have that in the cart." He said with a chuckle. "What? I do?" He nodded and you placed the things back down. "Well I done here." Yo said while pushing the cart up an isle to a check out isle. The woman there started ringing up items as you put them up there.

"That'll be $50.21." she said while smiling. You handed her the money and walked out with sans. Now him being his lazy self was floating out. He'd get stares from people, and kids seemed amused. "Well let's head home." He grabbed the bags with his magic and also you. In a flash you were home.

Dinner was amazing and you went to bed after taking a shower.

"Chara... I don't like this plan."
"It'll be fine azzy."
"...I hope your right.'
"Chara I'm so sorry this happened."
"It's......fine...I love you....all."
"I'm so sorry.
"...azzy...I'm here azzy. Please don't forget me....please. the plan didn't work, but everyone is above ground... I miss save me...I don't wanna be evil anymore....
I'm lost
(Y/N) I wanna be found.

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