chapter 15: Hooman.

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You smiled and stood up. "I'm gonna call temmie." You said while dialing her number. The room filled with groans, despite sans who was asleep somehow.

"HOI Dis is temmie!" She greeted still as excited as ever.
"Hi temmie, I have a surprise for you... wanna be a hooman?" You said while smiling

"TEMMIE BE LIKE HOOMAN?!" she yelled while hanging up. It only took a few minutes and there she was. She tackled you in a hug and you hugged back.

She looked at alphys and jumped up and down. despite that alphys have her what she needed. The normal light around her an das soon as it was there, it faded.

She stood at 5'4 at the most. "Temmie is a hooman!" She squeaked and hugged you once agian. This time waking up sans. She quickly grabbed she stiff, which was a box. "Temmie go to work!" She said while waving and walking out

"Hum I'm guessing I missed a CAT-astrophie." You and mom laughed and everyone else gust groaned and looked at you. You saw all of your friends as humans. They looked so different but the same.

Undyne playfully punched you on the arm, which still hurt but it didn't. You smiled and rubbed your now bruise arm. "Let's head on home. I'm way too tired not to sleep." You spoke up. Everyone nodded in response. "Now carry  me slave!" You said she pointing to sans. A blue aura surrounded you and you hovered above ground. You closed your eyes and fell into sleep.
Howdy partner!
Aww come on speak up!
I'm not playing!
Well guess we have to do this the hard way.
Where are the knives?
Ohhh shiny... but will it hurt?
....I need to wake up.
Well only I can make you do so.

  This world will never be
What I expected
And if i did wrong.
Who would have guessed it.
I will not leave alone
Everything that I own.
To make you feel like it's not too
Late it's never too late.
Even if I saw it'll be alright
Still I hear you say.
You want to end your life...

You woke up in your bed with tears running down your face.
You stood up and went to get some water. You filled a cup and some spilled. You drank a bit and walked to get a towel, but in that time you moved. You had slipped. Your head smashing into the tiled floor. "FUUUUUUkkkk." You said stopping a curse word.

Your pup ran up to you and licked your face. "Hey...gir....l" your voce cutting off a bit. You sat up and a pain rushed through your head. "Shit." You didn't hold the curse this time. "Uh kid ya alright?" Sans said while walking in. "No." He helped you up and took you to your room.

Your pup trailing say on your bed and put snow on the bed. You pit tour head down and passed out. And you swear you herd sans say something around the words of *leave.... and gaster.

But despite that you fell into darkness.

You woke up with a groan. Your head throbbing and a terrible migraine. Thankfully it was Saturday. You stood up and wobbled downstairs. It was about twelve o'clock and everyone was up. "Hey.." you groaned quietly. "Sup kid." Sans said with a wave.

"Death is running through my head." You said while rubbing the back if it. "Kid, you may have a concussion." Your eyes widened. "What?!" You screamed quietly. "Didn't ya fall last night?" He asked you. "Yeah... I did." You said quietly. Mom decided to go check with you so you had to go and get ready. You changed out of your 'pajamas' and changed in a (F/C) shirt and blue jeans.

You walked to the car that mom was in and headed out.

"Hello please take a seat over there." The reception lady said while pointing to some chairs. Ot took a few minutes, but you finally got called. You headed to the x-ray room and they took it. There was a crack in your scull, but not big enough to cause damage. "Now I want you to take this medicine to help the pain." The doctor said while handing you a prescription.

You stood and left. Heading to the drug store was weird. You'd never been this far in town. You waited in the car and mom came out minutes later. "Here my child take this please.". She handed you a pill and some water and you took it. The taste was horrible. You held back your gag as much as you could. "I am sorry about the taste my child, but they said it would help." You smiled and hugged her. "Thanks mom." You said while pulling away from the hug.

"Love ya mom. Oh and how do you like being human?"
"I love it."

Spending time with your mom fills you with DETERMINATION

There ya go temmie :p

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