chapter 47: begging of war

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You closed your eyes tightly, ready for the impact of an attack.
It never came.

You opened your eyes and say error facing the seemingly endless void.

"WhAT." He mumbled quietly while making an attack appear.

He threw it at you. Then another, and another. His attacks weren't weak. Your health was low.

You didn't have enough energy to scream. All you did was lay there like a ragdoll.

"LET THEM GO!"  A faint yet loud voice yelled. It sounded like ink.  Error teleported over to your soul and grabbed it with more strings.

He wrapped strings around you just like he did when you were a puppet. You were forced to stand.

He practically drug you closer to the voice and footsteps. He was above you. You were his puppet again.

It didn't take long for you to see them. Every single sans that existed. All skeletons... except your sans.

You instantly looked at him. Tears filled your eyes. You wanted so badly to run to him, but you couldn't.

"S-sans.." was all you said that broke the silence.

You were forced to walk closer. You could almoslt touch ink, who was leading everyone.

"(Y-Y/N) what did he do..?" He said while reaching out his arm slightly.

You felt tears on your face. "S-sans...h-help m-me." You forced out with what little energy you had left.

You herd a gaster blaster. It was sans'.

"LET. THEM. GO." You herd his now pissed off voice say. He teleported behind ink and looked at you.

"NOW THiS ShOUlD Be FUN." Error said while pulling you back and pinning you to the ground with an attack.

You screamed. It hit you in the chest. Everyone gasped except sans who fired a blaster. He didn't miss either.

Error wiped it off as if nothing had happened.

Everyone started throw attacks. It was one battle against a glitch for a glitch.

You lay there hopelessly. You couldn't do anything. Your body wouldn't let you.

You weren't Determined. You hadn't been for a while. This was just the beginning of war. It'd only just started. And you were already losing.

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