chapter 20: his eye

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You looked at your back seeing all the wounds that needed stitches. You winced as you touched one if them. There wasn't any reason to hide it because if you didn't tell anyone they'd probably get infected.

You wanted to tell mom, but she'd worry, papyrus wasn't an option, undyne would probably kill you if she tried, and alphys had done enough for you. You were left with telling sans. You were hesitant to walk out, but decided after a few minutes to go

It was about 5:00 in the morning which was confusing, but despite that you walked to sans. You shook him in hope to wake him. His eyes slowly opened and he looked at you

"Yeah?" He mumbled. You showed him your hp and he jumped up. "The hell happened?!" He wispering yelled.  "Chara kinda-" he cut you off as you said her name

"What did SHE do?" You turned around and a silence filled the room. He pulled the back of your shirt up and revealed the wounds. "Follow me I gotta fix ya up." You walked outside with him and you sat in the ground

A blue aura surrounded you and you closed your eyes. "Now I need you to close your eyes and make sure not to move." You did as instructed and felt a stinging pain where your wounds were. You were holding back a yell thanks to the stinging if a few deep wounds. You turned your head slightly and saw sans' eye glowing a blue. "Sans you never told me what happened to your other eye- ouch!" He went quiet and looked down. "Well might as well make this go by faster. So I worked for someone I called G. I was shorter back then so yeah not tall. About 5'4 at age 14 paps was 9 and at school. I helped G work on some things around a lab. But while trying to grab something from a shelf it collapsed and while attempting to stop it I missed and item and it hit me in the eye socket where my right eye was glowing. I don't recall much because I passed out on impact. I had a fractured skull because I wasn't human then, but it healed quickly, bit when I flowed my eyes. Only this one worked." He ended it off with a chuckle. You had no response he had finished healing you up and you walked quietly inside with him.

"Well I'm going back to bed night kiddo." He walked to his room and shut the door. You lied on the couch and closed your eyes
You feel into a deep sleep.

You were falling
Yet agian the world seemed to
Simply stop
You saw the light from the surface fading as you fell
You screamed help
Behind clenched teeth
But you were falling
It's just a dream and you'll wake
You hit the floor with flowers.
Yet agian you had fallen.
But it wouldn't matter
You'd wake up soon. So you sat there on the bed
Patiently waiting to have the sun glaring on your skin .
You kept waiting until you stood up without wanting
To. You hesitated to open
The doors to the
Ruins. Scared to see flowey.
Everyone, just it being a dream
Though. You had a feeling that it was ok to move forward
So you did. But nothing was there
No flowey, no mom, no nothing
Just and eerie silence.
You didn't speak
Just walked.

Waking up yet agian to have the sun staring you down. You stared back. It was Sunday and you were tired. Too tired.
Not just tired.
But you shook it off and had to stand. After all it was 12:00
Less time until school. Yay.


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