chapter 13: School demons

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You woke up with sweat running down your forehead. You just wiped it away and stood up. While walking downstairs your tiredness hit you. "Ugh." you said while regretting the dream you had

"Heya kiddo what's up." Sans said while digging through
The fridge. "You just groaned and flopped on the couch. "Tired?" He asked you while grabbing some ketchup. "Yeah... really... tire...d.." you said while slurring words. "Uh try some of that." He said while pointing to coffee. "Seems to work on Tori." He said with a tiny chuckle. You flopped on the floor and pushed yourself across the carpet with your feet. A blue aura surrounded you and you were carefully drug to the kitchen. You started making the coffee and drank it. It worked a but and you had to get dressed for school.

"Oh also the other kid is coming so you should probably go wake him." He said she pointing upstairs. You walked back up and drug Asriel down. He was already dresses and awake. "Come on echo I'm not a kid." "Yes you are." You teased. Sans took your hand and you were all at school

"And (Y/N) please don't get in any fights." He said while popping away.  You groaned at his comment "I feel ya echo, but I'm kinda scared." "About what?" School was the only word he could say before the late bell rang.

You grabbed Asriel and pulled him behind you "Hey Dork your late." Victoria spat with a laugh. "Oh I'm sorry I was late because I had to bring Asriel here, at least I didn't spend two hours putting fake hair in." You said while looking at her. Asriel tugged your shirt "no fighting!" He whisper yelled. The teacher walked in and asked Asriel to tell the class about him. He was hesitant, but got up. The only thing he said was that he had been a flower before the class filled with laughter. Even the teacher was laughing. You stood up and said "SHUT UP HE TRIES TO BE A GOOD PERSON! DON'T LAUGH AT SOMEONE WITH MISFORTUNE, YOU FUDGING DEMONS!" you yelled while turned red out of anger. The class was dead quiet.  You took your seat and so did Asriel. You kept as calm as you could and waited for the bell for the next class.

It rang and you walked to your classes.


You took a walk home while Asriel went with sans. You needed to calm down. But every once in a while you'd hear footsteps behind you. You flung around and saw a figure of the demon that made you yell. Not Victoria.

Howdy!" She said giggling.
"What do you want?" You said clearly aggravated.
All I wanted was to say.
Nice yelling

You megalomaniac
That's only who YOU are
You school demon.


Idk I couldn't think about anything :(

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