chapter 22: chara..dremurr

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You kept listening as you closed your eyes

"Chara.. that's a nice name."
"Are you hurt, if so I can-"
"Yeah...I'm hurt, I can't Stand."
"Let me help."
"Uh...'sniff' thanks."
"No problem, mom will heal ya"
"Uh...well she always wanted..."
"A second child? No I'm no good"
"What? But you seem nice!"
"Humanity thought different."
"I can't tell you, nevermind."
"Well , were here. Mom come here please!"
"Asriel... I can't remember my full name."
"That's fine, we'll call you chara-"

You were snapped out of your thoughts as someone tapped your arm. "Oh, hey sans."
"Sup kiddo, uh were headed home paps alright and already in the car." "Just carry meh." You said playfully whale waving your arms. "Ok." The same aura surrounded you and you floated out of your seat. Everyone stared at sans. "Forgot that this isn't a human thing." He chuckled and walked out with you floating behind him.

Chara who? You thought to yourself. Nevermind, you'll just ask mom on the car. Sans put you dawn and you hopped in the car. "M-mom... did you have a child named... chara?" Sans' eye turned blue and mom was quiet.

"Kiddo... we talked about this." You looked down and frowned.
"Sorry." You mumbled while closing your eyes

"Chara dremurr... I like it
"Cool I thought you would-"
WEll (Y/N) GUeSs WhaT. I DiDNt EnjoY THat TiMe... It wAs WoRSe ThAn I ThouGht. I CaReD FoR THem And ThEy GOt HURt. HeHeHEHAHAHAHAH. AND YoU KnOW WhAT TE WoRSe PARt IS? wELl IM DEAd ASRIEl isnT.

Heh... you know when I fell there weren't any flowers. I was happy until I found out I was dead. But now I am, and I don't like it too much. I still wonder why you gave everyone a chance and yet you RESET all those times and felt no sympathy. Hehehehe, oh well... it's too late now. You'll reset one day and someone will remember. And don't think that you won't
I know you. You Always

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