chapter 38: ◻⬜◾⬛◽◼

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You looked around at your family and friends they just looked at you.

You rubbed the back of your head in an attempt to make it less weird. "u-uh (Y-Y/N) you k-know a-a-about t-timelines?" Alphys asked while fixing her glasses on her face.

You nodded. "Hey uh alph, (Y/N) can I talk to you... alone. NOW.?"
You both stood up and he went into his mini lab that he had. "U-uh s-s-sans w-what are w-we d-doing down h-here?"

He grabbed some papers and put them in a drawer. "We are talking. About timelines and anomalies." He said while pulling out a blank paper.

You looked at the ground. Happy Birthday me... you mumbled quietly.

Sans started talking in such a way... not even alphys knew what he way saying. You knew he was writing in wingdings, you've seen people write like that.

But NEVER have you herd someone speak in that. "Sans what are you saying?"

"◻⬜⬛◼⬛◾👎👍✊💀." Ineligible. You couldn't make it out.

"Sorry kid, just uh... heh, what i said was, these timelines are existing among one another, that means there are more than one if us. Trust me I know that."

You sighed. "Sans why did I have to be here? This is like school all over agian."you groaned.

"Well you didn't work with gaster-" he stopped himself.

"Who's gaster?"

Sans had stopped talking since that slip up. You didn't know why. But you didn't pay much attention to it.

The party was fun and the presents were ok. After the party ended you took a nap.


What.. who there? You asked  while facing the noise.

Someone simar to a skeleton stood towering over you
".....uh.." you couldn't breathe. Your legs were shaking.

"H E L L O.  Y O U N G.  O N E." The thing said while signing something with his hands.

"...i-i.... h-hello." You said shaking.

He smiled and your soul floated out of your body. "◻⬛◽⬛◼◾◻⬛⬜⬜◼." The thing spoke in... something. He closed his hands in a swift motion. He grabbed your soul in the process.

You fell to your knees and clenched your chest. "W-what d-did you d-do?!" You said while looking him in the eyes."

" ◾ ⬜◻◾◼   ⬛⬜◾◽   ❤." His grin widened.

* This feeling fi⬛⬛◽ ◽◼◾ ◾⬛◼◽...*

The feeling was mutual. You had no control of your souls power anymore.

"My child, my name is 
G A S T E R."

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