chapter 29: mt.Ebott

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You had to pack a few days worth of clothes and it took AGES. After you finished you drug your 10 pound bag downstairs  and placed it with the others

Everyone including paps were watching TV. You joined them and plopped on the floor like you did in blookys house.

You closed your eyes and listened to what was playing. "Maze runner scorch trials?" You asked while opening your eyes and looking at sans

"Yup." Was all he responded before the room fell quiet with only the movie playing.

Everyone had fallen asleep during the movie, so it was time to leave today. Sans insisted he teleported everyone, but you all were to worries it'd be too much on him.

You decided to take a car halfway and him teleport so no one saw.

"So uh ya all ready?" Sans asked not wanting to teleport unless we were ok. You all nodded and there you were on the flowers. Sans' eyes were black and he was unresponsive.

"Fuc fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK."  You yelled while crouching down beside him.

His pupils were gone black. The distance must have drained his energy out. "Paps can you carry him to snowdin?" You asked him.

He nodded and you walked through the ruins and out the door. The extreme cold hit all of you like a pound of bricks.

Despite you all wearing fur coats it was still freezing.

The house was still in shape and you walked in. It was warmer than outside at least.

Paps placed sans down on the couch and covered him with a blanket. "Paps has this ever happened before?" You asked while walking to him. "UH YES HUMAN IT HAS WHEN WE WERE CHILDREN. WE WERE.... WELL ITS NOT IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW." He said fairly loud.

You nodded and walked to your old guest room. Still looked normal. You had been 8 when you first fell and all those times you reset so did your age.

You plopped on your bed that was surprisingly cold despite the warmer temperature of the house.

You knew sans would wake up sooner or later so you didn't worry. "Might as well draw." You said while grabbing your old sketchbook and flipping through old pages.

You stopped at one of them and felt tears dripping off your cheek. It was a picture of you sans and pap walking around snowdin. You made this when you first met them.

This was a picture from the ORIGINAL timeline... how'd it survive?

All those resets... how?

"my child are you in here?" You herd Mom ask. You wiped tour face and hid the book. "Yeah mom I here." She peeped through the door and motioned you to follow.

Sans was waking up. You quickly ran to get the picture and tore it form the book.

It'd been about 20 minutes now. It was time you showed him. "Hey sans look at this." You showed him the picture.

His eye turned blue and he looked at you. "The hell?!"

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