chapter 41: Dont go.

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You stopped fighting back the urge to keep your eyes open, you felt them shut and you were enclosed in sleep.


So how's it feel

To be trapped?

With no one here?

Only me and you?

Must be eating you up inside

To know that you can't leave.

To know that there is

No escape.

No hope

No nothing

Do you feel DETERMINED?

I doubt it

Because if you did.

You'd have already left

There is no way

For you to get out now.

This is your fault

Not mine

Not anyone's

This is the suffering

Someone else

Has been through

Thousands of times.

But you don't care

Or you would have

Never have done it

To begin with.

Are you scared?

You should be

This is all that's left for you


But, this is still fun.

You see now why I'm

Doing this?


Well let me

Help you know why.

This happened






You slowly yet frantically opened your eyes.

You, for that moment had forgotten that you were... not home.

You yelled out for someone.

But instead of someone helpful, you got error.

"HaHaHA! DIdjA LiKe THat DrEaM? YoUr face WaS So PRICELESS!" He laughed while floating up to you.


You just looked down. Away from him.

...I'll be back. Don't go anywhere." He said while going out of the void.

You took the chance to crawl out of the surprisingly loose strings. You fell to the floor with a quiet thud.

You ran in the way that you did before. It didn't seem like you were even moving! But finally there was a bright blue, white light.

You ran faster. You were so close!

But something wrapped around your foot

"TsK TsK TSK.. DIdjA REAllY ThInK that'd WORK?"

You felt your body being drug back. You attempted to grip the floor, but there was nothing to grab.

You were pinned down to the floor where you originally started. He made you face him when he crouched down beside you.

He summoned an attack. You attempted to move, you struggled, but you made no progress, the strings held you in place.

He smiled. The attack flew into your torso. You let out an agonizing scream. He just chuckled. He left you there while he walked back to the way home. He was going to close it. There was really nice way out.

You really are.

Pathetic aren't ya kid?

You couldn't even fight



You see us



Don't.... don't go.... please

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