chapter 17: and it goes on

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You made it to the shore with sans and instantly were hit with a rush of cold air. You shivered and quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around you. "Cold?" Sans asked while looking down at you.

"Y-yeah." You nodded. He patted your head. " Heh." He walked off and it was just you. Everyone was still in the water and you sat in the sand. It only took a few minutes and someone came behind you

"Hey sexy." There stood a guys about you age with a grin. "Uhh... I don't know you-' you were cut off by him pitting gis lips on yours. He you were stunned and pulled away while punching him. "WHAT THE- GET AWAY SICKO!" you yelled while people around you looked. A blue aura surrounded him, he was flung up and smashed into the ground. You felt tears brimming your eyes. "That move...the genocide...°sob." you felt tears fall of your face.

The kid had a bloody nose. And the blue aura was blue and red by now. You faced sans and he instantly knew what was wrong.
His eye went back to normal and he dropped the kid. Everyone had by now ran out if the water and over to you. "I'm sorry kid." He said while pulling you into a hug. You just cried and pit your face in his jacket.

You gained your composure and stopped crying. he picked you up considering you wouldn't stand thanks to that memory. He sat in the back with you and you hugged him while driving off. "S-sans, I'm so sorry." You said while hugging tighter. "What? No no your fine, were fine, your safe." He said while rubbing the top of your head. "I didn't want to do it." You said while putting your head on his chest. Mom was quiet. "It's fine, just don't do it agian and it'll be fine."

You close Your eyes  and fell asleep.

Howdy! Nice to see that the trash bag made you sad!
He didn't mean to.
Yeah, sure.
Well this is gonna get cut short, your home. See ya tonight.
You felt sans pick you up and you acted like you were still asleep. "aww my sis is so cute asleep!" Asriel said with a high pitched squeak. "Heh yeah." Sans said with a chuckle. (And no he's not in love with her)

"Well I'll put her on the couch and just let her rest." He said while gently putting you down.
You ended up falling asleep.

Hi (Y/N) wanna go back to genocide? She said while forcing your hand to

You shot up screaming. And looked around. You saw the same room as usual and put your head in your hands and cried. "Kid ya ok?" Sans said while sitting down. You jumped and hugged him. "I'm so sorry.

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