chapter 25: first human

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It had been a week. No hearing from chara. Cassie had already moved. She left early. You had to help alphys with making the soul, and you had used so much energy that you had gotten sick.
You didn't want to tell anyone you had been working on a soul for chara, so you lied to anyone who knew.

Sans knew you were stressing about something, but didn't think too much of it. You really just wanted to sleep, and for the most part you had been, but for the past few days you hadn't had much.

"Mom... I'm so tired." You said to yourself. You hadn't been to school, but still had stuff to worry about. You groaned and stood up. Guess I'll call alphys. You said while dialing her number.

"O-oh (Y/N)! If your calling about the thing I'm making for you, it's ready!"

"Uh, can you bring it here? I'm too tired and sans don't know yet." You herd the other line cut off. "Heh guess so." You mumbled and flopped back on the bed. 1,000,000 pounds had been lifted of your chest.

(Y-Y/N) ive been thinking...
When I get a soul. How will sans react? Won't he try to kill me...agian? I mean I'm happy I'll be kinda alive, but... 'sigh' how will everyone react? I-i know I'm not a good person, but you are... so... just talk to sans before I come out?

Chara was back it seemed. You herd the doorbell ring and you ran to it. Alphys was standing there holding a soul in a glass jar. "H-here (Y/n)." She said while handing it to you.

You hugged her and thanked her and she left. "Chara... see ya soon."

(Y/N) what do you think your doing? I can't take it.
Just try chara.
'sigh' fine I'll try.

Her new soul floated to her. She took it and you looked around. You were in your room. And chara had a body and was asleep on the floor. You shook her.

"Ngh... no... please I don't like it here."
"Chara?" You questioned.
Her eyes flung open and she scooted away.
"Where are we? Did azzys's plan work?" She said while still seeming to be scared
"What? Do you not remember me?"
"Sorry, but no."

You were confused. You decided to tell her your name, but kept her 'past' quiet.

The door creaked meaning someone was coming in.
It was sans. He stared at her and the blue aura surrounded you and you were pulled away from her.

Chara was staring in fear.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Sans said while summoning gaster blasters.
"Sans! Stop this was my plan! It not the chara we thought we knew! It the first human to fall! "
You screamed while pulling his hand down.

He looked at you and his attacks vanished. "Wait, this was YOUR idea?" He asked while his eyes went black.

"...yeah..." you said sounding defeated. He sighed and looked at her. "So explain everything that happened.

Sand was listening carefully the whole time you talked. And when chara started. He only paid attention to her.

"When monsters were sealed away I wasn't born. But when I had been, humanity was horrible. I was abused, and hated by many. I got fed up with it and climbed Mt.Ebbot and wanted to... die. I thought I did, but I felt pain, so I was alive..."

You both listed carefully
She remembered everything, bit her death and her other past.

Sans stood up when she had finished and walked out looking in the room one last time before leaving.

"Well that went well?' you questioned to yourself.
"Uh (Y/N) am I correct? Can I ask where mom and Asriel are?

"Chara? It it you? No it can't be you. You d-died. Y-y-you can't be a-alive..."

"Asriel? What do you mean died?"

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