chapter 42: welcome to hell

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You layed there quietly in hopes of not making him mad.

You've been here for a day now. It hurt. You were pinned down
, You couldn't get up.

Tour breathing quivered go a moment, but went back to normal when you took a deep breath.

*Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick*

You just remembered the sound if you annoying alarm clock, you were left alone here in a dark void.

You had to make a plan before you went insane. The Ticking started to make your eye twitch every time it came to mind.

You closed your eyes tightly and the ticking wouldn't stop. You started to grow mad at yourself.

You opened your eyes and stared at the ceiling attempting to get the ticking to go away. It kept going. Each time you'd her it, you'd attempt to clench tour fists tighter until you couldn't anymore.

You screamed for it to go away. And it did. You herd laughter grow louder.

WoW YoU BrOKE SURPRISINGLY QUIckLY! OnLy 10 MINUTES!" He said she laughing more.

"LeTS See HOW YoUR AttACKs WORK NoW. HaHahah."

The strings let you go.

*Error ignites the fight.*

You checked your hp. It was enough to do for now.

He attacked you, and you had no chance of missing those attacks he threw. It was almost like sans' genocide fight, but unfairly difficult.

You lost ten health, and now it was your turn.


You attacked with all your might, and hardly took one hp. I didn't help that you had no soul at the moment.

He attacked agian and you dodged as many as you could, but still lost 5 health.

[Fight] 💔[act]

You looked at what you could say. There was nothing.

You had wasted a turn, and it was once agian his.

She shot the strings at you
This was an attack. One went full force into your stomach. The fight sent in slow motion for the slightest fraction of a second.

You went back to reality and fell to the floor.


💔*.Run away.

You stopped the fight. He looked at you in a angry way.

But just smiled.
"SO still playing LIttlE NiCE PACIFIST?" he did awhile grabbing your wrists.

The strings coiled around them and your torso.

"NoT In THe VoID. NO, No, no. ThERE IS No MErCY HERE.


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