chapter eleven

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You woke up slowly hating that school was today. With a groan you slid off of your bed and walked downstairs. "Hey mom." You said with a morning voice. "Hello my child, I was informed that today was show and tell for your class. Please go grab something and sans will take you there." She said while putting a pancake on your plate. You quickly ran and got flowey, which he agreed to come, and you grabbed a photo of everyone you loved.

"So echo, what's the event?" "Oh it's show and tell." you reassured him. He nodded and you headed to the front room. "Flowey when we get home, we'll celebrate your birthday!" You said while putting him on your back. you herd a tiny laugh and sans called you

You grabbed his hand and you were instantly at school. "thanks sans!" You said while waving and walking inside. You made it to your class and took your new seat.

"So class as you know today is show and tell! Who would like to come up first?" The teacher asked. The 'girl' beside you instantly raided her hand and flipped her hair. "Ok Victoria come on up."

She pulled out a pair of high heels, makeup, and a microphone. " So like you all my know, I live to dress up and like all. Also I love to sing. " She said while smacking her lips. "Who would like to hear me sang?" The class filled with a lot of people screaming 'YES!' and she started, but you tuned her out and waited until the teacher called you.

Everyone had gone but you, and you had to go up. "H-hello Im
(Y/N) and I brought flowey and a picture of my family." "Howdy" he said while waving. The class was quiet, but after a really weird silence you showed the picture. You pointed to everyone and named them. After you were done you took your seat.

"Hey (Y/N) am I correct, can I see that pic?" Victoria asked. You accepted and handed it to her. But she tore it in half. Tears filled you eyes and you snapped. You sat flowey down and in pure rage you slapped her across the face. " WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM WITH ME?!" you yelled with tears brimming you eyes. She was holding her cheek and was crying you grabbed your broken picture and flowey and ran out of the class.

You made it to the bathroom and walked inside. "Uhh echo, this is... why are we here?" He said while looking at you.y you ignored him and sat down in a corner. You looked at your picture and saw how unfixable it was. You started crying and held your head in your hands. "i-im sorry flowey, this must be your worst birthday." You said while wiping some tears.

You stood up and held flowey in one hand and the picture in the other.  "Lets just go home." You said while calling mom. Nothing. Next you tried sans. Nothing. You eventually had called everyone you had but no one picked up. Despite that you still walked Out  of school. You slowly walked through town a d kept looking for anyone you knew. Not after a while of searching you gave up. You headed in the way of your house and kept walking.

A car stopped beside you and asked of you needed a ride. You remembered what sans and mom had said. Don't go. You ran down a hill and tumbled down it halfway. You made sure to keep flowey and the picture safe and you covers them so nothing was hurt. You got your bearings and quickly put the picture in your book bag you sprinted into the woods avoiding trees and holes.

You were out if breath and collapsed on the ground. You shakily grabbed your phone and dialed sans. He picked up.

- Sup kiddo?
I-i need your *pant* help.
-whats wrong?
You quickly explained what happened and he told you to stay put. You looked at flowey who was beside you. "Hey echo I just wanna say that despite what happened, my birthday is going great." He gave you a gentle smile and you picked him up.

You herd footsteps behind you. "Sans?" You said while turning around. He took your hand and you teleported home.

You opened your eyes and you were in your room. "Hey kid, considering that your home might as well celebrate the flowers birthday. You nodded and walked downstairs with sans and flowey. Everyone was home, so you started the party then.

After a bit of partying and cake, you gave him your present.  It was fake soul. Nothing much, but meant a lot to him. "So, I was able to get some things and I was able to get alphys to make a soul for you." He was now on the edge of tears and you hugged him. He smiled and he took the soul.

"Thank you echo."

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