chapter nine

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I'm not gonna reset chara
Not anymore

"Aww, I wanted to have some fun." She said with a demented echo in her voice. "Well I DON'T." You stated boldly holding tour ground

"Come on (Y/N) we both know your weaker than me, after all aren't I the only one who shares 'love' anymore?" She said while giggling

"Go. Away. No-w." You stated with a slight crack in your voice thanks to fear. "Why should I?
If I wanted I could take your soul right here right now." She followed up.

"...I have nothing to say to you, now GO." You said while her figure disappeared. You let out a sigh and sat in your bed.

Your clock making a obnoxious ticking sound as it echoed in the nearly quiet room. "Shut up." You mumbled at nothing.

Through the crack of the door you sat a blue aura outside. Sans you thought. You sneaked to the door and turned the knob. The quiet creak filled the quiet house.

"Sans?" You asked while peeking out the door. He was sin the floor eye glowing, face kinda blue, and hyperventilating. "SANS!" you yelled while running to him.

"HELP! HELP!" You yelled frantically hoping for a response, but nobody came. You looked at sans, who was now gaining his breathing and had no glow to his eye.

He looked at you and and sighed. "Heh.... i-im ok kid. Just got... startled." He said clearly telling a lie. "Sans tell me what REALLY happened." You stated boldly. He stood up and said nothing. "Sans... I'm sorry that I did what I did, I was just curious." you said while tearing up slightly.

"..... Its fine, I'm not mad about that." He said while looking at you. You let out a tiny laugh, but it wasn't that long.

You sat down and drew. It wasn't anything much, but it was of your family.
"Hey frisk ya in here?" Flowey asked. "Yeah I'm in here ." You said with a smile. "So "did the bonehead and you make up yet?" You nodded and walked over to him and sat down.

You talked and made jokes. He dared you to sing.
You accepted

"Is there love, is there love, is there love in your heart?
Or kindness in your eyes? Execute, execute, execute if you want
Retribution for your crimes, were your honest with yourself, cuz I'll know when I take a look inside is there love, is there love, is there love in your heart
The judgement will be mine"

He attempted to clap, but with no hands it was kinda hard. " thanks asriel- I mean Flowey." You said while smiling. He grunted at your mistake, but smiled it off. Get Flowey, you know your birthday is tomorrow, and I have an amazing gift for you!

He looked up at you. "What is it?" He asked wile looking at you. "You'll see."


You walked outside and took a breath at the crisp air. The pollen causing you to sneeze. You went to the back yard and messed with the flowers.
"Hey (Y/N) your thing is done." A soft voice spoke up.

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