chapter 44: No Mercy

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He made the grip on the knife tighter, it seemed impossible, but it happened.

Your feet felt numb due to the lack of blood.
In the distance, you saw a human walking around snowdin with a tall skeleton, probably papyrus. The person turned to look at you. Their face turned pale when they saw you.

Error laughed and you were teleported over to them.
He made you ignite the fight. He didn't even give you a chance to breathe, and he made you attack full force.

They managed to dodge the attack, but before you could even attempt to fight error, something stabbed you from behind.

You herd error cuss.

You fell limp, but knowing error, he wouldn't care.

Your eyes slowly opened in a dark room. You felt a stinging pain on your back and torso. You flinched.

A sudden creaking sound filled the room. You pulled the covers up over your head.

A child that looked similar to you peeked their head through the door.

"Are you up?" A child like voice quietly spoke.

"Mm..." you mumbled.

They opened the door up more allowing them to walk in. "Are you feeling better?"

"No...? What happened to error?" You said faintly.

"He is uh still fighting papyrus, but Sans is downstairs." They said pointing down.

"Neat... what happened though?'

"When pap hit you, you passed out, and then error started to fight. Sans was originally helping, but had to carry you here."

You slowly stood up out of the bed and looked at them.

"Can we go talk to him?" They nodded

"Sans their up!"  They said while looking down the stairs.

He didn't respond, but you still walked down with them.

"Sans I need to ask you something. Do you know ink?"

He looked at you with black eye sockets.

"Yeah I do. And how do you know him?" He asked

"Because I'm not meant to be here. I'm meant to be in Undertale. Error... he uh... ya know."

"Shit." He mumbled.

You felt the ground shake for a second. Then a hole was tore in the wall. "NoT GoNNa GET AWay THat easily."

You felt those same strings wrap around you. Sand grabbed you with his magic.

"WELl ISN'T ThIs FUNny." Error yanked you out of sans' grasp.

He quickly teleported you into a void.


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