chapter ten

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Uh, thanks Alphys. Just leave it out here." You said while walking inside. The time had passed and it was time for dinner. "I'll cook." You thought. While grabbing some ingredients from the fridge a clang noise can river from the silverware. You went to check it. It was noting but a fork falling from the table. You put it in the sink and went back to cooking.

"Hey (Y/N) whatca doing?" Flowey asked. "Nothing much, wanna help with dinner?" You said while seeing a grin spread on his face . You help him up and you two started cooking things.

"Hey (Y/N) mind if I call you echo?" Flowey asked you while stirring some food up. "Uh, I don't see why not. But I guess it's only gonna be you who calls me that." "Yeah, but sans calls ya kid so I though I could have a nickname for you." He said with a grin.

You two continued to cook and sometimes make lame jokes. It was almost done and a delicious smell was filling the air. You two were getting a bit impatient and wanted to eat. "Hurry up food! You both said in unison. A few minutes passed and it was done. You practically threw it out of the oven in pure hunger and plopped it on the table. "Well flowey time to eat!" You said while cutting the meatloaf. No ketchup on your half.

By now everyone was sitting down. Even sans. You have everyone a piece and took your seat. It was a quiet dinner and a yummy dinner for that fact. "My child, this is good." Mom said while eating another bite. "Thank you, but I give credit to flowey." You said while seeing flowey somehow eating. You all finished dinner and they left. It was only you and sans. "Hey kid, come here I gotta show you something"
You followed him and he went down to his 'lab' he entered the code 3902. While walking in you were hit with a smell of metal and something else.

He walked over to a table and you followed. "See this? This is a 'determation extractor' it will allow a monster to have determination without becoming a god." He said while looking at you. "We wouldn't have the power to reset but we could be human. Not only that but it only takes a bit of determination to give to turn all of us into humans." He continued. You were interested and were willing to see your friends human.

" And if we were to become human, we would have a better chance of fitting in." That broke your heart. It was cute, sad, and just pure emotional. "Sans use my determination. If it for y'all I'll do anything." You said while looking at him. "Well it's not done, but when it is I'll ship it off to Alphys. This is almost like a prototype. But she'll finish what I cant." He said while covering it back up.

You both walked out and he closed the had made it to your room and already plopped on the bed. Sans slept in the front room couch as far as you could tell. Your eyes slowly closing and you thought
°ill have my friend as humans... and they' happy. You trailed off while your eyes closed and you fell asleep.

So yeah I won't normally have these but I just wanna tell you that some updates take a bit longer thanks to school and crap. But I update every day when I can . And i already have 10 chapters thanks to a tight schedule. But will have these chapters out whenever i can.


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